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It's finally released!

edited May 2008 in - Writing Tales
My historical fiction, Hitler and Mars Bars, was released on March 20. I've self published it with Trafford Publishing. I thought I'd be ecstatic when it was released - but I've been so busy trying to do promotion for it that I haven't even had time to sit back and enjoy the moment. Hopefully I will get time to do that soon. I wrote a non-fiction article about a child helped by Operation Shamrock, an Irish Red Cross project that brought German and French children ti Ireland to recuperate after WW2, for a Writers Bureau assignment back in 2002 (I think it was sometime around then) and it was printed in an Irish magazine, Ireland's Own. I thought that was the end of it but family members said it would make a good book and I ended up writing a novel based on the experiences of children helped by Operation Shamrock. Soon after I started writing the book I spotted a competition for a Book Publishing Deal with Trafford Publishing. I entered the contest and won the Adult (any genre) section in January 2004. In between all the other tasks in life I got the book written and edited. And finally....the book has been released! I finally got there! I guess I will be surprised when I get a chance to sit back and think about it!


  • There is little time to rest on the laurels, Trimbell ... my book is in the print shop at the moment, awaiting a gap in the print schedule, then it will be all systems go! My 'good feeling' came from seeing the cover for the first time and finally completing the layout to my satisfaction. I think after this it is flat out busy ... especially as I work full time and still need to promote the book which my company is printing for me, so the proceeds will pay my wages!!!
  • Great news Trimbell, I'm sure you'll have time to celebrate eventually. Meanwhile, enjoy. :-P
  • Well done Trimbell - the process sounds a bit like giving birth and it's after the birth the hard bit begins - but reaps great rewards as well so persevere. Good luck! :D
  • Congratulations - your book sounds very interesting.
  • Wonderful news Trimbell, so much out of one idea. Take advantage of any avenue of publicity.
  • Fantastic! And to think it all began with a WB assignment 6 years ago. Well done you.
  • Congratulations. :)
  • A very interesting title! Well done, Trimbell.
  • Well done, Trimbell. I know exactly what you mean about being too busy to enjoy it - but try to allow yourself some little moments of satisfaction! :) A great achievement and your book sounds very interesting.
  • Best of luck, Trimbell!
  • Well done!
  • Thanks everyone! I guess promoting the book will be the next part of the learning curve. It's actually exciting when you contact a newspaper etc and they say they will run a piece about it. Yesterday I did followup calls to newspapers in areas where the book is set and got lots of positive feedback. I think I will see a few of them print pieces about it. Well, on to the next promotional activity - it certainly beats housework (which I should be doing today...)
  • And let us know of any web addresses- as most papers have an online presence.
  • See Jay the shameless self promoter!

    The Times Online and Daily Mail run comments after articles, so you could maybe drop the books details into posts.
  • Jay is the master at book name dropping. :)
  • Congratulations you folk.
    Guess its every writers dream and with most thats all it is. It takes a lot of guts to get published,

    Well done
  • I used to be more reticent, but then someone joined to promote their book. They seemed to be doing pretty well, and I just wanted people to realize that reading a gay book wouldn't shock them unduly.
  • Very well done Trimbell. I am just embarking on my writers bureau journey and your success gives me a lot of encouragement.
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