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Book launch yesterday

edited June 2008 in - Writing Tales
Hi folks,

I want to share my good news with you all. Life doesn't get much better than it was for me yesterday and I'm still floating on air today.

The formal/official launch of "Notable Sussex Women" at Hastings Museum yesterday was a perfect triumph. Wine and nibbles were flowing, and we settled down in the wonderful Durbar Hall which was set out with a top table for speakers and then rows of seating like a theatre.

Michael Foster MP only had literally five minutes to look at the book before standing up and making a speech about it, which he did with real sincerity and humour, quoting from the back cover with considerable enthusiasm. He certainly exceeded my expectations, speaking fluently for about ten minutes right off the top of his head without once running out of wonderful things to say about me, my research and my book. I was left blushing at all his compliments!

Next came Dr Holloway, a senior lecturer in women's history at the Uni of Sussex, with a prepared speech. Again I blushed but was secretly gratified that someone of her standing should praise the work of someone like me, someone who came from a poor working class home with an alcoholic father, left school at 16 with no qualifications and spent 20 years as a railway guard! Dr Holloway even said she has cited me in one of her own recent books. My head was so big by then I wondered how I'd get out the door heheheh.

I spoke next. For the very first time in my life I stood before an audience without any prepared speech and even without notes. I hadn't thought for a moment what I was going to say and as Dr Holloway reached the end I had terrible butterflies of fear and wondered what the hell I was going to say! Suddenly everyone was applauding her and it was my turn ~~~ EEEK!

I thanked them both, then said very briefly why I wrote the book, quoting a couple of passages from my introduction. Then opened a questions and answers session. This is scary as you have no time to prepare and have to think on your feet, but I surprised myself with the confident way I responded, in full, to all the questions.

Then I sold £320 worth of books and people formed an orderly queue to have me sign them, like I was a celebrity or something!

Then we all went home.

Altogether, it was probably the best morning of my life (so far). I've received a review already, it's on Amazon.


I wish you all similar book launches!

"Notable Sussex Women: 580 biographical sketches"


  • Well done Helen - keep walking on air!
  • Wonderful! I'm so pleased for you Helen. Hope it sells loads more!
  • Wonderful. So glad it was such a huge success, and hopefully it will be the first of many, and many more sales.
  • That is fantastic you deserve the success well done.
  • Wonderful news Helena - thank you for sharing it with us. It's a success well-earned and deserved - be proud of yourself and your achievements :)
  • Thank you Liz, Stan, Kateyanne, Celtic, I only wish everyone could have such a wonderful day.

    It was better than getting married ~ Oh, I forgot to say, a few people brought bouquets of flowers!

    Woo woo!
  • That's really great news - congratulations. Glad it went so well.
  • Congratulationson! Fantastic news, glad you had a wonderful day. :P
  • Congratulations Helen!!!! :)
  • Glad it went so well! Keep up the good work.
  • Well done Helena! :-D
  • what great news, Helena! I was off line most of yesterday or I would have picked this up earlier to say congratulations!!
  • Well done!

    And what a good subject for a book. I'm interested in family history, and really notice how few records there are for my female ancestors. It's so nice to see the balance redressed!
  • Congratulations.
  • Well done, Helena! :-)
  • May you have many more such wonderful days, Helena.
  • *enthusiastic applause*
  • Congratulations.
  • Well done, Helena!
  • Sounds marvellous, Helena, after so much hard work to reach that point, you deserve a good launch day!
  • Thank you everyone! Update on new thread.
  • Well done Helena and hope your success continues.
  • Hi, and congratulations.
    I've just joined the talkback forum, and am inspired by your success, well done!
  • Well done and congratulations, you must have been on a 'high' for hours after.
  • Brilliant Helena
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