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My ex-prof likes Charity's Child!

edited July 2008 in - Writing Tales
You know, there are some people you really dread showing your book to. The professor of my former university department in Dundee is one of them. He's a very nice guy, but still... Anyway, he ordered a copy so I couldn't very well refuse. Been holding my breath ever since...

Good news just received is that he likes it: "Couldn't put it down". I'm so chuffed!

Now my next novel is set in a university department just a tiny bit like his (all the usual provisos...), so I'm even more nervous about when he comes to read Low Tide, Lunan Bay...


  • Well done :) Someone you were dreading reading it liked it. That's a good accolade :D
  • Yes Rosalie I can see how that would be nerve-racking so you must be thrilled. Well done!
  • Congratulations on a good review from someone whose opinion you value.

    (If he knows the theme of your next book, he might be more nervous than you!)
  • Well done! I wouldn't worry - if he liked Charity's Child, he'll probably like Low Tide, Lunan Bay.
  • congratulations! that's just the kind of accolade you need!
  • Good news Rosalie - you must be so pleased.
  • Well done, Rosalie! Ask him if he minds you using it and his name for a quote for interviews etc.
  • Glad he liked it, especially as you value his opinion.
  • Well done Rosalie. No wonder you are chuffed. :P
  • Always good to get praise from someone whose words you value. Well done, Rosalie.
  • Isn't it great to have such support from someone you respect. Well done.
  • Forgot to ask, who published Charity's Child?
  • Nice to get positive commnets from someone whose opinions you value
  • Caro, it was Circaidy Gregory Press. One of the small indies. I was very impressed - they gave me lots of great editorial advice.
  • Good news Rosalie- onward and upward.
  • Maybe he'll insist on it being stocked in the university shop...
  • Well done Rosalie - the outcome must have been worth the wait! :)
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