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Good feedback from a magazine editor

edited July 2008 in - Writing Tales
Some of you may remember that I was shortlisted for a travel writing competition in Wanderlust earlier this year. After the excitement died down I decided I ought to strike while the iron was hot and submit the piece (suitably broadened) as a stand alone article for Wanderlust. As most of you know – magazine editors rarely dish out praise.
Here’s what he said:

“Thanks for sending in your MS and congrats on the C&K prize. It's a
lovely piece, but we covered Ranthambore in the mag about 18 months ago
so I'm afraid it's too soon for us to run another article.”

Frankly I’m chuffed to bits.


  • What great feedback! No wonder you are feeling chuffed. Well done Claudia. :P
  • Obviously they would have taken it otherwise. Well done.
  • Wonderful -can you send it somewhere else?
  • Well done - that's very encouraging. I agree you should submit it somewhere else.
  • Well done!
  • Well done, Claudia.
  • Great encouragement for you Claudia.
  • Good on you Claudia! :-)
  • Well done.
  • magic to have feedback like that, congratulations! Now to sell it somewhere else!
  • [Eyes gleaming with pride, Gully claps his hands!]
  • Well done, Claudia. No doubt the editor will look favourably on anything else you can send. Meanwhile, hope you can find a home for such a promising piece. Books and articles always say a rejection may be due to a recent piece having been used on the same topic and now you have the proof of this. If topics, like cats, are supposed to have nine lives, perhaps you can find a new angle for a different market. Good luck.
  • Thanks for all the congrats.
    It's probably the best travel piece I've ever written and it's nice to know that a "big" travel magazine liked it too and would have published it if they hadn't already covered Ranthambore recently.
    I certainly will try to sell the article elsewhere, but I may wait until I return to the UK in November and have a look at other travel magazines first as I'd really like to try for another glossy like Wanderlust.
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