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edited July 2008 in - Writing Tales
Hello everyone. Some wonderful news...my book ANOREXIA: A STRANGER IN THE FAMILY is being reprinted!! I am exstatic. I need to ask a huge favour though...next time you are in your local library and have a few mins to spare, please order it in. I would really appreciate it. (:



  • brilliant news!
  • Brilliant, MM. My best friend's daughter had this for 6 years. She's looks healthy now but she is still so thin...
  • Good for you!
  • edited July 2008
    Wonderful news.

    Just checked the Nottingham system, and they have 1 copy at Arnold library.
  • Well done thats great news
  • Well done!
  • Great news MM
  • Excellent news MM.
  • Good for you - hope you get lots of sales and library orders :)
  • This is good news MM. What is the ISBN for your book?
  • Just in case it is a while before MM has time to answer, I checked our library reference for the ISBN: 1905170351.
  • Thanks Carol.
  • That's wonderful, MM. Will indeed order it.
  • Congrats MM - shouldnt we be BUYING it rather than getting it from the library ???? :)
  • Morning Clever Clogs,

    You really are doing well, I wish you success and more reprints. {May I have your autograph, ready to show my great-grandchildren, to prove that I knew such a famous woman?}
  • Well done MM! :-)
  • Well done MM - I'll make enquiries at our library next week.
  • Well done. That's great news.
  • That's great news. Well done, MM :)
  • Lexia said that we should be buying it rather than getting it from a library. Well said! Writers only get about 5p from a library book. If everyone was a miser and only borrowed books or purchased them second hand, the publishing industry would grind to a halt. Not good news for aspiring authors.
  • How about buying it AND requesting that the library buy it. That makes two sales + PLR.

    Congratulations and *hugs* MM. This reprint is timely, and your writing certainly deserves to be out there, it has the potential to bring hope and support to a lot of people.
  • edited July 2008
    Candy, true: authors get 5p per book but more accurately, it's per borrowing. Thus it's a long term, useful investment--though government's trying to cut it down to 2p-ish per borrowing much to the disgust of many people.
  • Not sure how our main library is working now, but I know in the past I have asked about a new book and been told it is not been got in, or they are on the list for discussion on whether it will be bought- which could be months away before it becomes available.
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