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Unexpected success

edited July 2008 in - Writing Tales
I can't believe it! - I've just downloaded my emails and found one from Cruse Bereavement Care informing me that one of the poems I entered for their anthology comp is going to be included, and inviting me to an event at the 'Literary and Philosphical Society' in Newcastle where the winners will be announced and the anthology launched - and I was about to consign that comp to the 'no result' file, because the entry form said winners would be announced in June!


  • Congratulations Smaug. Wonderful news and all the better because you'd dismissed it. :-)
  • Congrats Smaug! Sometimes the announcements are a bit late for this type of comp if there have been a lot of entries. With charities the judges often do it voluntarily. Good luck at the 'Literary and Philosphical Society' event, that sounds interesting! Let us know how you get on.
  • Congratulations. Will you be able to go to the event in Newcastle?
  • IG - what time is it in Australia? and, if it's what I think it is, shouldn't you be tucked up in bed?

    Thanks for the congrats - I'd like to try and get to the event if I can - it's on a Wednesday night though so I'll have to wangle a couple of days off and stay over - Newcastle being a tidy old stretch from Luton. I am intrigued by the 'Literary and Philosophical Society' though - sounds very up market (hope they let me in!!)
  • Well done, Smaug! :-)
  • fabulous news!
  • Well done:)
  • Fantastic news hope you can go.
  • Congratulations Smaug.
  • Super news, Smaug.
    Just the kind of thing I would like to expereince.
    Now go out and enjoy the feeling.
  • Congratulations Smaug. It must be even more exciting once you'd forgotten about it and then to get the great news. Do you get a free copy of the anthology?
    My friend has just got her author copy of the 'Wow 366 'short stories, as one of her stories was selected. The book looks great.
    Well done on your sucsess.
  • Well done Smaug - hope you make it to the launch. :)
  • Well done, Smaug!
  • Congratulations Smaug! :-)
  • Brilliant, Smaug!
    Now what are you going to wear for the launch...what image best fits in with your work?
  • Well done Smaug!
  • Congratulations Smaug, what fantastic news.
  • Congratulations Smaug :)
  • Congratulations Smaug. Always take competition announcement dates with a pinch of salt it seems. Do hope you manage to get to the event in Newcastle.
  • Well done - hopefully there will be many more to follow.
  • Only just noticed this -Well done Smaug! Enjoy your limelight (and whatever else is on offer!)
  • Brilliant news Smaug,
  • Well done, Smaug!!! :)
  • Mutley! Why do yo have a congratulatory thingy beside your name?
  • put the cursor over it, Liz, it shows Mutley made the 200,000th comment! Clever clog that she is!
  • Aaaah! What a lovely idea of Jon's!
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