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New books

Hi everyone

Just to bring you up to date with what I've been up to, my first book with Transworld - 'The First Apostle' - was published on the 28th July as a Bantam paperback original using my other nom de plume James Becker. So far, it seems to be doing well - it was number 51 in the Nielsen Bookscan last week, despite only being released on the Monday (Bookscan figures are taken and collated every Tuesday, so the book was only available for a part of the relevant week). It was Asda's second best-selling book last week, and number one in The Bookseller's 'Top 20 Heatseekers' list.

The fourth 'James Barrington' novel with Macmillan - 'Timebomb' - was released as a hardback on the 1st August, along with the paperback of the third novel in the series, 'Foxbat'. And finally, I've got the Penguin/Michael Joseph non-fiction book, 'Joint Force Harrier', coming out on the 4th September in hardback. I've ghosted this book for the guy who actually did all the flying, Commander Adrian Orchard Royal Navy, so his name appears on the front cover, but my name's there as well, in slightly smaller letters!

Finally, Macmillan is holding a launch party for 'Timebomb' on the evening of the 7th August at Borders in Oxford Street. If any TBers are interested in coming, please visit my website at www.JamesBarrington.com for details - the party's free and there will be drinks and nibbles.

Best wishes to everyone



  • Well done James. I hope it sells well. Sorry I'm not in London for the launch. Marc.
  • Well done James - sounds as if it is all go for you at the moment so thanks for taking the time to let us all know what's happening. Good luck with the launch! :)
  • Great stuff, James!
  • A toast, to your expanding success.

    One must suppose this is your excuse for long absence from Talkback, try and keep us regularly posted.;)
  • great stuff, James! Keep it going! you're an inspiration to all of us!
  • Fantastic James, looks like you're on an 'up' at the moment, may you have many more successes:)
  • Well done, James.
  • Well done, James!
  • Looking good, James! Wish I was near enough to come to the party :D
  • Great stuff, James. If I can get someone to look after my daughter, I'll pop in for a nibble and a signed copy!
  • Hi Candy
    I hope you make it. I'll be the bloke standing in the corner, looking worried!
  • Fantastic, Jaames. I wish I lived somewhere near London, I'd love to attend your launch party. Any chance of you coming to rainy N.Ireland?
  • Well done James
  • Hi Caro
    Not in the near future, I'm afraid!
  • Please can you tell us how you got to this level of success?
  • edited August 2008
    Hi again Candy
    I forgot to mention that if you let me have your email address (just send a blank email to [email protected]), I'll send you an invitation.
  • Hi Aeschylus
    The short, snappy answer is persistence. I was accepted by Sheil Land Associates in 2003 on the strength of a 'package' I was sending out to every agent in Britain. This consisted of a brief synopsis of 'Overkill', the first three chapters and a covering letter, and at the same time I had another package doing the rounds for an as-yet unpublished book called 'Trade-off'. I was accepted by an agent named Dinah Weiner for 'Trade-off' at almost the same time as Sheil Land associates made their offer. The point is that I'd started in the trade directories with the letter 'A' and EVERY other agent I'd approached had said 'no'. My plan was to get down to 'Z', re-jig the package slightly and start all over again, and keep on doing this until somebody out there did finally agree to take me on.
    Once I was represented, everything changed. There was an auction for 'Overkill' with three publishers interested, and I'm now on my third two-book contract with Macmillan. Penguin approached me to ghost the Harrier book, because one of the commissioning editors there liked my writing, and I wrote 'The First Apostle' at the suggestion of my agent, and he sold it to the first publisher who read it.
    I think talent helps, but the advice I always give unpublished authors is to keep on knocking on doors. If what you're writing really is publishable, some day, somebody will take it on.
  • I echo that advice James. And with it, don't get disheartened when agents cast your baby aside. Immediately throw it back in the playpen. My biggest mistake with Pets in Prospect was that I didn't approach nearly enough agents before accpting an offer directly from Robert Hale. I should have persisted as with hindsight I now realise I'd have got a much better deal. Still I now have an agent and two publishers waitng for the sequel so I've learnt my lesson. As some TBers know I have a very ribald novel so so different from my veterinary one. I should be trawling the agents with it albeit it red-faced. Your advice James is a spur to get me going. Knock, knock, knock. Thanks.
  • That is fantastic news, James! I wish I lived in London so I could go to your launch. Enjoy it!! I will look out for your books too. I found your comments very inspiring too - I'm busy scribbling away writing my first novel. Have an exciting evening on Thursday!
  • Good luck James, hope you have a wonderful time. I don't agree that it's mainly perspiration rather than talent that gets you through, but if you have the talent then the perspiration is what makes the difference. Your story is definitely inspiring!
  • well done
  • Hi everyone
    Just to update you - 'The First Apostle' was number 19 in the Nielsen Bookscan listings this week for paperback fiction, with over 11,000 copies sold, so I'm feeling quite chuffed!
  • Brilliant, James, and thanks for the encouraging advice.

    I am days away from finishing my first novel, and will then blanket the literary agencies who deal in my kind of book.
    Me: Mornings - writing/revising
    Evenings - proposal work
    Wife and kids: Showing supernatural patience, mornings and evenings.
  • well done, James!
  • You have every right to be chuffed. I was looking at the book the other day, didn't realise it was you. Very good opening with the roman soldiers crucifying the unfortunate jewish rebel. I hope this is your book and im not getting mixed up. Like the title. Congratulations.
  • Hi Vijay
    Yes, that's the one!
  • Brilliant news of your success, James.
    I hope that my first forensic science-themed book (Deceptive Encounters, released later this year by Matador) puts me on the same path that you have trodden so well. I hope to tour schools with it from late October (though it won't be in bookshops until Jan 2009)
    How did you feel at your first launch/presentation? I'm sure I will panic.
  • Well done James.
  • Great news James, I'm sure the 7th was a great success.
  • Well done, and best of luck with all your books.
  • Hi James, I hope you had a great party. I sure would have loved to have been there, but my daughter came down with bloody Measles. Great timing! Anyway, I do have a few copies of your books and am just about to order The First Apostle. Looking forward to it. Hope you sell bucket loads!
  • Hi Karen
    Many congratulations on your book - I hope it does really well. I think for me the most nerve-wracking time was when i went with my agent to meet the publishers who were interested in buying my first book. We more or less got the third degree from each of them, and it was overall a VERY trying day. Now I've done so many talks and presentations that it really doesn't bother me at all, and I'm sure you'll feel the same once you've got a few under your belt.
    With very best wishes
  • And hi Candy
    Yes, it was a good 'do', thanks, with a reasonable turnout, and I signed and sold quite a lot of books! Sorry you couldn't make it.
  • Thanks James for sharing your story of persistence - it's a great encouragement.
  • Thanks James,
    Very reassuring. I'm heading off to meet up with one of my publishers this week. He is speaking at one of his own book signing tours this week - it will be good to see how he copes from the other side of the fence.

    Your success is inspriational - keep them coming.
  • What a wonderful thread. Congratulations, James. Really appreciate hearing how well you are doing, and may I echo LizB's remark about talent? You clearly have it!

    p.s. congrats to Karen too.
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