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Full Moon Rising

edited August 2008 in - Writing Tales
Stan the man walked quietly along the dimly lit street. In one hand he held the lead of his dog, in the other a Royal Doulton china cup and saucer containing his Earl Grey tea. As darkness fell the moon, round and white, filled the eastern sky. Stan stared up at the satalite that was Earth's little neighbour. He looked and winced. The little dog sensed something was amiss and started to whimper. Stan dropped the lead, he doubled over. His ears became pointed. Facial hair like wire covered his twee little face. His dentures took on needle like appearence and a blood red tongue hung from the side of his mouth. Looking back at the moon he began to howl like a banshee. A blood curdling howl that could be heard across the town. He had become WereStan. Taking a sip of his Earl Grey that he still held in his paw followed by the cocking of his leg as he pee'd against a lamp post WereStan ran off down the street as a ravernous hunger overcame him.

At the end of the street Edna Bluitt stood at the bus stop wating for the number eight. She Clutched her handbag that contained her winnings from a successful night at the bingo. Edna turned and peered through the thick lenses of her glasses, trying to make out the shape of the thing that was heading towards her. 'Nice doggy,' she uttered in a nervous voice. Within seconds Edna was.....


  • transformed into a ..
  • can of Pedigree Chum
  • 'Yum - Chum!' said Werestan, as he stopped to
  • search his pockets for a tin-opener. None to be found - ah well, fangs to the rescue but...
  • stepping out of the shadows cast by a wide lamp-post came
  • the Hound of TBLand - a fearsome creature, 2metres tall and as hairy as
  • Marc.B's legs. All went in fear and trembling of
  • said creature - with the exception of WereStan who approached TB Hound, looked up at his huge black nose and said
  • 'Get your own Chum, chum, I don't do sharing!'. At this, TB Hound was heard to remark
  • "Who is this whipper-snapper poaching on my territory?" But WereStan was too busy
  • howling at the moon; his tin was empty. Now he would need something else to get his teeth stuck into...
  • Meanwhile, Stan's dog was experiencing a moment of existential dread. Whining, he turned and scampered to his master's house. Maybe Mistress could help, he thought in doggy thoughts.
  • but Mistress was fast asleep and Stan's Dog needed to work out a way of waking her, so he
  • lightly boiled an egg with toast cut into soldiers. Made a pot of fresh tea (Assam) and found the finest, thick cut marmalade made with Seville oranges. He dragged a tray containing the breakfast to the bedroom. He did a Lassie type barky thing that woke Mrs Stan. 'What is it dog,' she said munching on her soldier dipped in the golden yoke of her egg. Yap yap, yap yap. yapped the dog.
    'What.' exclaimed Mrs S, mr Stan is a wereStan and is in trouble?'
    Yap yap, yap yap, continued the dog.
    'He's found a tin of Chum but a larger and and more ferocious beast is after him?'
    'Quick dog,' she commanded, 'fetch my hat and coat. We must hurry afore it's too late.'
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