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YWO - Legend have said YES!

edited September 2008 in - Writing Tales
I have just had an email saying the book I have sent will be one of the 5,000. I don't think I believed that would happen. Aaarrrggghhh. Can't decide whether to laugh or cry. I need to do a very final edit, very fast! I need to read the contract, I need to get it back to them. I need to stop panicing!!!!!! :)


  • mutley, i'm made up for you - you really deserve some happiness. Laugh dont cry! Have some champagne on me!
  • Don't panic, Mr Mainwaring!!!! WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Well done.

    I've heard nothing. :(

    Hope it all goes well for you. Keep us up to date?
  • Mutley, this is GREAT news!
  • Congratulations, Mutley! :)
  • Congratulations Mutley - wishing you much success !
  • Fantastic news! Many congratulations.
  • Congratulations!!!! =D
  • Congratulations.
  • Wow, well done Mutley! Congratulations!
  • Congratulations! Well done Mutley. :)
  • Congratulations, Mutley. Is it your children's story?
  • Well done, Mutley!
  • No, Nena - i'm still working on that one. It is a humoroous book about commuting on the Tube in London. At least it was humorous til I spend quite so many hours going through to get it perfect. Now I'm at the point where I never want to see it again :)
  • Know the feeling, getting the spark back slowly (could be that Uni demands so much of the mind tho' . . .)
  • Well done, Mutley!
  • Congrats Mutley. Looking forward to reading it...
  • Great news Mutley, well done
  • Well done Mutley!
  • KJKJ
    edited September 2008
    I hope it goes well for you Mutley
  • Good news Mutley, well done.
  • congrats, Mutley. i laughed at your comment about it used to be funny before you went into it so many times to rewrite it. i know that feeling VERY well....congrats again!
  • Well done Mutley! :)
  • Congratulations Mutley! No need to panic: the hardest part is behind you. Best..
  • Have to confess that I read the first posting on this thread and I still have no idea what I'm congratulating you for, Mutley, but it sounds like congratulations and applause are in order anyway (and very well deserved!).

  • :)

    well done!
  • At the moment it is probably more the hugs! I am now agonising as to whether to go ahead. My decision depends on 1) the answer to my question on ISBN and disrtibution 2) being able to format it as I want and send it as a PDF complete with cover - we shall see. It isn't the best thing I have written, in fact my writing has progressed a lot since the book I was planning to send, but I still believe if I can hit the right places for review etc that it is a book that woud comfortable stand up against others in the genre and do well.
  • More hugs for you Mutley - make the decision that sits happiest with you.
    (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) x
  • Wow, cool!
    I will be tut-tutting at you if you come back and post before finishing your edit!
  • Good luck, Mutley (don't read the other thread!).
  • Good luck mate. If you do get it out there, let me know the title as I'd love to read it. Spent far too long myself being cattle-packed onto the Northern Line (misery line?) and so a few smiles to take away the sweaty palms I get when I think about it would be great.
  • Hi Mutley - just to say don't rush into anything. If it's as good as you believe, you don't want to compromise your chances of a publishing deal in the future. Check out the other discussions here regarding YWO and make an informed choice. Be proud of your 'baby' - it deserves the best shot you can give it. The decision is yours and I wish you all the best whichever direction you go in.
  • Well done!
  • I seem to have missed this first time round - all the best Mutley. :-)
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