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ITV3 awards

edited October 2008 in - Reading
If you don't want to find out the winners and want to watch the awards tonight at 10pm on ITV3 to find out, then don't read anymore.
I will add the link in the next box.


  • http://www.thebookseller.com/news/68347-rankin-and-p-d-james-pick-up-itv3-awards.html
  • Will anyone be watching?
  • I am going to record it and watch it at a later date...even though I will no doubt have found out the results before I watch it :rolleyes:

    I usually can't stand the suspense and have to find out =)
  • I think the link gave it away!

    I don't have digital yet (getting a new digital ready tv soon) so I won't be.

    I was actually disappointed by Exit Music (Rankin). Maybe they should have given Rankin a special award, because to say Exit Music was the best crime novel of last year is a joke.
  • I am always dissappointed that Lee Child doesn't get more awards - I am hooked on his books

    Yes, the link did give it away but as I didn't click on the link I don't know the details...
  • That is where the question of who did the judging for the other awards, comes in.
  • And where was Mark Billingham?
  • I watched some of it, and it wasn't bad- pity it was on so late.
    But you can read a round-up by one of the Bookseller staff who was there. I agree with her completely on the moment when the father of a now dead author collected his son's award.

  • edited October 2008
    I have just watched this - I recorded it

    I want to write crime now!!! However...I think I might be better off staying with my current genre, as I think if I tried writing a crime novel at the moment it would end up sounding like a bad game of cluedo! ;)

    I think there should be a 'Chick lit awards' - or to make it sound a bit more prestigious - 'The Women's Contemporary Fiction Awards'

    There are enough Chick lit authors out there to warrant an award ceremony...someone is now going to tell me that there is one aren't you?
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