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Writer banned from Hackney libraries

edited October 2008 in - Reading
Freedom of speech anyone?



  • It seems not to exist Carol.
  • Getting less free everyday it seems.
  • Sorry to sound dumb, but what's an off-message piece? Is it something that disagrees with the official (ie government) version?
  • Equally interesting is the piece in the Guardian that the article is linked to. In his local library, the local history section is no more. Obviously it's nipped off to be re-written.

    Don't we live in culturally interesting times?!
  • edited October 2008
    If I were in his position, I'd refer them to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and refuse to be bullied.

    "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
  • Well said TP
  • As London is staging the 2012 Olympics there is obviously a policy of only positives being aired! Even if it is a load of old bunkum!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • "Controversy was not allowed in libraries."

    Prepare to see shelves being emptied while the new regime of 'positives only' is incorporated.
  • oh here we go: http://www.thebookseller.com/news/69473-hackney-defends-sinclair-ban.html

    The council in question have said that they didn't want to be seen promoting theories that go against their policies.

    So presumably they are now going to go through all books on the library shelves and take out anything that is not in line with council policy. Otherwise they'd be hypocritical.

    Re 'off message' Jenny, I was going to ask that too! It does make me wonder when we get these bizarre phrases popping up. I thought at first it meant off-topic and they were annoyed with him for being a waffler!
  • http://www.thebookseller.com/news/69510-mayors-office-attacks-sinclair-ban.html

    sense from someone in the Mayor's office.
  • Crikey. Where did freedom of speech go.
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