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Woman's Weekly Fiction Special



  • LOL!
    The 'Special' runs out and a new one will be dated from 10th July - I'm not in that one!
    Cheers, chaps.
  • oh to be in a Fiction Special - I can only dream:)
  • Centre spread eh Nids? ;)
  • of course:)
  • WW have just rejected another 2 of mine via e-mail. :(
  • Hiya Ceka
    Congrats on getting the story published, Thats fantastic!!!
    Will see if I can grab a copy and look out for it before it expires : )
  • How long does it take to hear about the FIction Special submissions? I have sent two in recent months and heard nothing.
  • It varies a lot Mutley. I've had acceptances after a few weeks and after four months, and rejections within a month and after six, so it's just wait and see I'm afraid. if it gets longer than six months a polite chase is probably in order.
  • I don't think five to six months is unusual...
  • They're running on about 4-5 months at present.
  • Well done Ceka, I'll buy it today.
  • New one comes out tomorrow.
  • edited July 2009
    Got the new issue today and there are some good stories in it. Especially liked the one page one by Helen M Hunt.
  • I know this is an old issue, but being the holidays, I've only got round to reading some more of the stories. Just had to share this one with you "Lucky Man" by Joanna Barnden, I thought was a great story.

    The words "... he'd always been a sucker for nice bit of jelly and ice cream" made me giggle, and I think shows something of what it takes to be a writer for these magazines. Saying something, but not directly saying it, being subtle I think it is called.

    And then Ringing the Changes, although I think this is a good story, I did guess who the culprit was likely to be, and maybe it is just me, but I felt as I was reading it in small breaths ... Guess I am just a bit strange. :)
  • I had a good laugh at The Leading Lady by Victoria Routledge (any relation to Patricia I wonder).
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