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Short story in 1 August People's Friend



  • edited July 2009
    Ceka, you'll have to send me your tale as the new edition doesn't come out until tomorrow and the old one is off the shelf. In a grump now, shoe tread wasted!
  • I only bought my copy yesterday.
  • I'll try my hand at W H Smiths tomorrow then, but shoe tread wasn't fully wasted as I got two big bags of beef Monster Munch. Have to give one to the wife, should have gotten 3, one for me, one to share and the other to hide.
  • Thank you, all of you, for your kind words, it's lovely that you a) went and read it and b) got round to posting back about it. Feedback is always such a good thing to have - and I do appreciate it.
    It's a funny old thing, but I never used to bother telling anyone except some of my colleagues at work that I'd got a story coming out, cos I reckoned nobody would be interested and mostly nobody got any of the WOMAGs anyway. And then I saw this 'successes' fred. It seemed a funny thing to do! But it really is lovely to hear that someone liked one of my stories - my family nod politely, but you can tell they're not really interested (but you wait til the Best Seller (no, not Best Cellar) comes out, bet they change their tune then). The difference is, of course, that you lot understand about trying to get your work 'out there' and that every little thing published is a hard-fought hard-won battle.
    So thanks again, folks! I look forward to reading all yours, too! (I keep them and smile, cos I 'know' you now!)
  • Just read it this evening, a sweet and charming story.
  • I'm really pleased for you ceka. How many stories have you had published??
  • This was the 32nd sold (still 3 to be published, awaiting their landing slots!) but for some reason I've got Original Thought problems and so have been revamping and editing old stories and bits of novels. Been 'stuck' for well over a year now, but WriteInvite has been a serious help!
  • I bought it this morning (got some odd looks) and it is a cleverly crafted story with some real emotional authenticity.

    Aahgh....that's a critic talking.
  • Wow, that is some record, Ceka!
  • Dear Dorothy, thank you, but no it isn't - I've been at this for 8 years and I get more send-backs than I do acceptances. This story was sent back the first time! I think it's called my 'Apprenticeship' ....
    ...and anyway, compared with your record ....!
    (Thank you, Aeschylus)
  • Ceka, in my entire writing career, some 30 years now, I have had 40 short stories published, mostly in small press magazines. No prestigious PF sales for me! So yes, it is.
  • Ceka - well done. You give me hope.
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