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Feeling like giving in



  • I've had two short story rejections this year- one I know why and the other I don't. I'm working on my next submission which I will be hopeful for.

    So I'll pass on the vodka but here's some more chocolate...
  • Susie, have you given your story up for comments? ie youwriteon.com?
  • I have had numerous moments recently where I seem to be getting nowhere - the old wading through treacle feeling!

    And I sometimes feel resigned to working for a pittance forever.

    So to try and drag myself out of this mood I have made a play-list on my computer [which I just put on to disc] which has all my favourite uplifting songs on it.

    I've named it 'The Story of my life' and I feel in a much better mood with myself now. It is a real random mix - just a few of the songs are:

    Stronger - Kanye West
    Don't Stop Believin' - Cast of Glee [even though I don't watch Glee]
    See Ya Later Alligator - Bill Haley and the Comets
    Build Me Up Buttercup - The Foundations
    It's a Hap Hap Happy Day - Arthur Askey
    Mr Blue Sky - ELO
    Over the Rainbow - Harry Nillson

    And loads of others - Very very eclectic - in fact the play-list is so long I had to take a couple of songs off to fit it on to a CD

    And so I must be off to do something constructive...

    It seems that everyone has these moments, young and old, new writers and experienced writers - it must be the season for it here in TB land...but as I find myself saying quite a bit lately - 'onwards and upwards!'
  • Louise, I might give it a try once I think it is ready but it needs at least one more draft - thanks for pointing me in that direction though.
  • check out my handling rejection thread, get some inspiration from there. We all go through it, and as for agents ... well, my opinions are well known and liable to verge on the libellous unless they get their acts together, collectively and individually. I have had such bad experiences with them when sending out the duke's book it is not true.
    'I am offering the 'autobiography' of the duke of Clarence, who died in 1479.'
    'sorry, we only take fiction.' ???????????
    or, 'do send it, historicals are big at the moment.,'
    send it, response, 'sorry, I don't do historical books.'

    Go your own pathway regardless of 'advice.' if you go with your gut instinct, it will work.
  • Hey, c'mon, Louise: don't sink into vodka and chocolate on us. You can be more positive than that.

    I regard rejections two ways. Either: the agent/editor likes what you sent but just can't use it at present, or: there is something wrong with it which I can fix. I take all of mine as fitting into the second group. So I plan what I can do to improve it and work through, step by step, until I'm happy with it. No good sending it off again if it's likely to get another rejection; it's got to be a bestseller in my view.

    At the moment I've got some major improvements that have to be made. But at least I know what they are and have to work my way through them.
  • Thanks Dwight. I'm OK really. Just having a moment :D

    Dorothy: tell me about it! We're clients in waiting and should be treated with more respect. The agents/publishers will soon be bleating about closure (are already actually) when all books become electronic!
  • Emma B, just come across this thread and agree with what everyone says. If I can tell you what happened to me- January I was thinking of not sending off any more rejection fodder after ten years of rejections-THEN- on the 11th of this February I got an email saying a short story of mine had won a monthly competition in a magazine -THEN- six days later an Ebook publisher offered me a contract for my novel (previously rejected 15 times) Things are now progressing fast and I have just returned the first rewrite that my editor wanted. As no actual printing will be done I hope it will not be long before it goes on sale as an Ebook.
    Ironically ten days after the offer the 17th agernt/publisher I had sent my book to sent me a rejection for it. Their loss not mine.
    Don't give up, Emma B. I'm very glad I didn't.
  • Thanks Pete G.

    In general I am much more positive now. You just have to keep battling sometimes. I'm still waiting on some paid publication but it'll come some time.
  • Emma, have you sent an invoice?
  • Sorry Carol I think I maybe did not make that clear. What I meant is that I am still trying to get work published and hopefully get paid for it.

    I have done a couple of articles and book reveiws but these were all unpaid
  • Ah I see. No problem.
  • Keep going, Emma ! I think it would be very unusual to find someone on TB who hasn't had these kind of bad days. This is what is so speciial about this forum to me - there are always people to support each other as we all go through these moods. xx
  • Thanks lexia

    I think I started this thread a little while ago and I am feeling quite positive right now. I just have to keep plodding on but that's part of it all I suppose.

    Big hugs to all those plodding on (((((((((())))))))))))))
  • Keep poddling, no (squints at cup of tea) ploddlin, no (sniffs tea) plodding on.
  • I don't know whether I'm coming or going with my writing. I think I have so many things on the go at the moment I can't find focus, and that's starting to annoy me. Or depress me. Not sure, but I'm having trouble being positive at the moment.

    Swings and roundabouts. Keep plodding.
  • Dear Red,
    Oh, I know the feeling. I think I'd better have some more chocolate.
  • I know that awful feeling, Red; of having several writing irons in the fire and not getting on properly with any of them. For me I know how it has happened this time: getting to grips with a re-write of the start of my book, the revision for that leading to new ideas which must be integrated, and dissatisfaction with some threads that run through the book. Sounds like a major overhaul but I can do it.

    In the meantime, and this is the frustrating part, I've not done any writing work for a week now, no thanks to interior decorating. I've known this was coming - been putting it off for months - but two more days should see it off. That will be the back of it FOR SEVERAL YEARS TO COME :) .

    I wish ;) .
  • I know what you mean, Dwight and Red, about feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff you have on the go. I usually like to have several books at different stages of revision but every now and then I stop and think HELP!!! It's all too much for one little brain. It's often worse if I stop for a few days, and for the first few days once I get going again. Sometimes it's easier just to do things than to think about them.

    But yes, as you say, Dwight - you can do it! A bit at a time, that's the way. And so can you, Red, and Emma... and all the rest of us.

    Periods of self-doubt seem to be part of a writer's life. I like reading literary biographies and it seems all writers are the same, including the very best of them.

    Let's keep plodding - we can do it!
  • [quote=Red]I don't know whether I'm coming or going with my writing. I think I have so many things on the go at the moment I can't find focus, and that's starting to annoy me. Or depress me. Not sure, but I'm having trouble being positive at the moment. [/quote]

    There's an answer to that, as a friend. Don't take on too much, because you're overworking yourself.
  • I think that is a good point Pixie.

    We all want to be successful writer, and I think when you want something that much and you know you have to work hard at it, it can be very easy to overdo it!
  • And you feel guilty for slowing down...
    Don't. You will find your writing benefits from a brief break.
  • Emma, Red and anyone else who's finding this writing lark tough at the moment, here's my take for what it's worth...

    * Look for balance, as you can burn yourself out.

    * Make sacrifices - things that aren't so important, like the telly!

    * Think about why you're actually writing and make a firm decision on what it is you want then focus 100% on whatever 'IT' is at any given time.

    * Take every opportunity to write/edit/work on the chosen project, even if it's half a hour here or there... bite sized chunks... or a little a lot... goes a helluva long way eventually (more apt for the novel really).


    Good luck to all,
  • [quote=Dwight]
    In the meantime, and this is the frustrating part, I've not done any writing work for a week now, no thanks to interior decorating.[/quote]
    Dear Dwight, I must put me glasses back on: I thought you said INFERIOR decorating!
  • My father used to be in sales and once said "If I average one sale in ten calls, I'm happy to get to the ninth rejection. Success is then just around the corner." Well, he said something like that anyway. So, get back on the horse and go looking for all the other fish in the sea, with your chin up and all the rest of it.
  • I'm having a rare night off from writing. Until tomorrow and it's back to the slog.

    Can't believe I'm writing a short story based on Christmas...but by the time it's finished and polished to (almost) perfection, it'll be in plenty of time for the seasonal stories.
  • Now then, Ceka; our decorating might be amateurish but we've nearly got it done; just four more strips of paper to go. I wonder if you've ever tried this (new?) paste-the-wall wallpaper. I've only just discovered it and now I couldn't live without it.

    Then it's back to writing. Well... editing ;) .
  • Col you could not have put it better :-)
  • edited April 2010
    I'm having a phase where everything I write seems clunky. I keep having to re-write things, even on here. It's been a good while since I wrote something non-worky for myself, and even my blog output has dropped sharply - the last two or three have been really forced. I just chucked something together to keep it going!


    I am trying to tell myself it's just one of those development phases. A few years ago, I edited an 80 page catalogue thing five or six times a year and I was the only one on a staff of 120 who could pick up errors. And then I went freelance, and discovered my knowledge of when to hyphenate and capitalise is really poor... and I use ellipses <slaps wrist>. I suppose I'm reading more stuff and trying to move up a gear. Am hoping that's the reason for the 'wading through treacle' sensation.

    I'd have put that better if I was on form... but that's my point.

    <sighs grumpily>
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