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  • Why does it keep going offline, this is not the first time this has happened is it?
  • Thanks Jon.
  • Jon: on my pc everytime i come onto talkback it remembers me perfectly. But now i have a new laptop which doesn't remember me when i come on so i have to log in each time...is there some way to change this?
  • I'm still on the same computer and it asks me to log in each time too.
  • but its strange that only on my pc does it not ask me to log in...whats also strange is that i don't actually have to put in my details...i just press enter and it knows i am logged in so why does it want me to log in again?
  • Very odd!
  • why is it always the jokes page that messes up...its doing it again...

    but for me before it starts not showing any posts it always opens at the top of the page and not at the last comment as it does for everything else....
  • still doing it to me, too
  • Well, it is the jokes page!
  • edited August 2008
    Recently a number of us have experienced clitches in the whisper system. I find that when you click on the whisper at the end of an added thread, the name comes up in the whisper to box but then disappears almost straight away.
    If you don't notice you don't realise it has gone up as an open posting when it is submitted, and sometimes it has gone beyond the time for editing before the originator realises. I know at least three incidences of this happening in the past month.
  • Yep, I've noticed that, too. Luckily, I've spotted it before posting anything but it could be very embarrassing if the post is *very* private.
  • Carol, TaffetaPunk,

    I will have a look into the issue with the whisper system.

  • Thanks Jon
  • edited August 2008
    when finished on a particular thread we click on 'discussions' to get back to list of current threads and have to scroll down each time past the thread we have just read and so on.
    Some of TBers are away/busy for varying periods and when we come back have a lot of threads we might want to check on or which are currently of interest - the above method is tedious and takes time.

    Is it not possible to have an icon we can click to 'next (unread)' thread? Instead of back to discussions etc
  • Bill if you use the back arrow on your toolbar at the top of the screen it will take you back to where you were on the threads- of course if you have looked at a couple of pages on an individual thread you will need to keep clicking back until you get back to the list of threads.
  • Hi Jon,

    I can't get to the last page on the googling yourself thread -this sometimes happens, I have to go to the penultimate page and go from there... but then if I add a comment, it comes up with the blank page again!

    Any idea why this happens?
  • Sorry Jon, also just noticed it says on the main page that there are 6 pages, but there are only 5.
  • Liz, this is what happens to me on the Jokes page, regularly. I would wish it could be sorted!
  • Did this to me too this morning on Googling Yourself.
  • Also happens on the haiku thread...
  • OKay, so that's three threads acting up, Jon! I know you said you couldn't replicate it but be sure we're experiencing it!
  • LizB and Carol - it has done that to me as well today - I thought it was just me doing something wrong!
  • It happens every so often Chippy- and always at a weekend I think, when Jon isn't here to see it happen.
  • perhaps we should just start a 2nd part on all those threads...and hopefully the problem should go away...
  • I've just had a thought and they don't happen very often so forgive me if this one is silly...

    If a thread shows, say, 6 pages but there are only 5 when we go to them, would it have anything to do with people whispering? I mean, obviously only the two people involved in the whisper would see the whispered comments but there might be enough going on behind the scenes to bump the pages along. And you Jon, would see everything because...well, because you can. Am I off the track here?
  • IslandGirl!

    You clever dumpling, that logic reads absolutely spot on.
    Sunday seems to have been a good day for you if that is an example of your constructive reasoning.
  • I know. You can't keep a good girl down and I do try soooooooooo hard to be good, you know.
  • I suggested just that somewhere too, but the logic doesn't follow through when I can see, for instance 5 pages and there is nothing on page 5, but if I go back to page 4, then I can reach page 5 from page 4, and it has loads on it...
  • that is the way it happens for me,too.
  • edited August 2008
    I'm certain it only happens when we get to the last few threads before a new page, then when there are a few new threads on the new page the problem stops- until we get to near the bottom of that page. Technically whispers could effect it, but it doesn't account for it all.
  • Okay, just got down to the last few threads on the items 4 sale page, and i can't get to it again without going through the penultimate page...
  • How do I do the whispering thing? Last time I tried, it just shouted to the whole blessed world, just as well my tone was discreet!
  • edited August 2008
    click on whisper ...check that the persons name has gone into the box below "whisper your comments" then just write in the comments box.
  • I just type the persons name into the box Ceka, and then it's okay.

    You do realise that you can see the whispers you've sent to the other person as well as the whispers they do to you, but no-one else can, do you? If the whisper has worked, then it says your name on the post followed by the time followed by the name of the person you whispered to.
  • edited August 2008
    Ceka - it's worth ALWAYS double-checking before you post that the name you are whispering to is still in the Whisper box - sometimes it deletes itself and what started as a whisper goes out as a shout! ;)
  • Morning Jon
    Can you help me?
    I always go to my Account page to look at my 'comments added' and 'discussions started' lists to save time, but these options aren't showing on my page. Any idea what's happened? Can you reinstate these options asap please?
  • Mine also...gone!
  • Hi Claudia and LizB,
    I have removed them whilst I do some updates to the way that they work.
    They will be back again later on today.

  • Thank Jon. Any luck with the thread not being there issue?
  • Being a newbie I didn't see the previous layout but this is a good design for a forum and looks like it works well, it's simply to navigate and easy to understand. :)
  • The 'I spy' thread page two doesn't come up, Jon. You're really earning your money lately, aren't you.
  • Had the same problem IG but located it by going to page 1 first.
  • I was wondering if it was possible to have an option, when making a post, to include a live URL rather than just a dead link that you have to copy and paste?

    Thanks. :)
  • Jon, there is definitely an intermittent problem with the "Whisper" facility. Without doubt there have been times when I have meant to whisper and not done so but recently there have been posts that have been posted with named person in situ that have gone out publicly. (And judging by some of the odd comments on some threads I'm not the only one to find this a problem.)
  • Agree CC.
    After I mentioned it, the last time,the system seemed to settle down for a while, but it is obviously playing up again, so we should all check that the name is still in the whisper slot before submitting the message.
  • Hello Jon, i had a lot of trouble this afternoon -TB went down for me as I posted something (it didn't post) and i couldn't get back in for hours... I went away and wrote for a while and just now it worked again, but when I tried to get back to the board after reading a thread, it was very slow, timed out and the only way I could get back was through the main page...
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