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What is your aim?



  • I try to go month by month.
  • You wouldn't believe me if I said.
  • So what is your aim for January Dora, or are you flexible?
  • As Flexible as plastic? No seriously, what is your January aim, dora?
  • :)
    I is most bendy Carol.

    My January aims were/are:

    One was to post a story I've been working on to somebody who'd give me advice, which I have done

    Second was to write a story that I'd had in my head for a couple of weeks, which I did

    A third was to return the favour others have done of critting my work, and crit other people's - have done some but still working on that (it never ends does that actually)

    Oh and the fourth was to submit a story which I have finished and think is ready for submission but I haven't thought of where to send it yet

    I suppose my fifth should be to decide what my February aims are.
  • Well done, dora.
  • You are doing well, Dora.
  • Thank you.

    Hope you are too.
  • Good to see you dora.
  • Aww, good to see you too Monsieur Stanlee.
  • Oh thanks!
  • Is your aim on target? (Sorry I haven't read many of the above posts yet)
  • One of my aims is to continue with a book I've started writing but have not worked on for a couple of weeks. On Sunday afternoon, I read through what I've written so far and am reasonably pleased that the chapters are easy to read. I've a couple of articles to complete and submit. Today I started reading a book I've been asked to review - I've had it since October!
  • You seem to be doing okay Stan.

    is the book not too interesting? Seeing as you've had it since Oct.
  • It is interesting but I've been so busy.
  • Night Stan.
  • Good night - haven't I said that before?
  • Back in 2006, I asked the following question:

    Do you want to have a book published? A good review of it? Fame &/or fortune? To be able to live off your writing? To see your novel in the bookshops?

    As we have some more Talkbackers, I was wondering what their aims were.
  • I always wanted to get published and have as many people as possible to read it, as difficult a goal as that is, but I've been writing a lot more the last few months, and the more I write the less I care about being published! Its too fun to be bogged down with questions of who would read that? Where can I send this? ;-)
  • my aims are grand, but broken up into manageable, bite-sized chunks!

    i had been struggling to get my head in the writing game again for a long while, so that was a major aim of mine. my writing brain got herself in gear in january and i haven't stopped writing since. the first draft of my YA novel is nearly finished now- 12k to go to my original target. so i guess my current aim is now to have the first draft done (should be there in about 2 weeks). that's the first big milestone...
    next part of the plan is to crack on at my second book while i'm having a time out from this one before i start editing. i'm going to Stirling in june, and then in my weeks' holiday from work following that, i'm hopefully going to crank out the final draft of book 1. so book 1 finished by the summer is my second big milestone.

    i have no plans for fortune and fame (although if someone wanted to give me a big pile of cash for my book, i wouldn't turn them down). i really just want to be published by a good publishing house, and see my book in wh smiths and waterstones and even in the asda. i'd love to be picking out the next book i was going to buy, and see a girl picking up *my* book to buy it. to see kids reading my book on the bus. to overhear them discussing my book, and wondering whether there will be a sequel...
    i know it's going to be a hard slog to get where i want to go, if i ever get there, but i'm young yet (only 27) and i have plenty of time to try.

    as i said, grand aims, but i figure if you don't at least try for what you want, if you don't make the most of the talent you have (i'm hoping i have talent!!) then you don't deserve to have it in the first place.

    my friend always puts the best comments on his facebook status. Theses are a couple of my faves, and i think they're relevent to this lovely thread...

    "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me". "


    "Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have."

    always shoot for the stars...

  • p.s. sorry for the seriously long-winded post!! xxx

  • Jay - thank you for starting this thread. I've enjoyed 'hearing' about the dreams of other writers.

    Do you want to have a book published? Yes, I have 7 at the roughed-out stage. I am in the mists of rewriting one of them. I have internet friends who critic (and I do the same for them) each chapter as it is completed. Then, I go back and rewrite.

    A good review of it? It's not enough for me that I think it is good. I base its quality on what others think.

    Fame &/or fortune? The fortune would be nice. I really don't want the bother of fame.

    To be able to live off your writing? What a delightful dream, kinda like winning the lotto.

    To see your novel in the bookshops? YES! I would love to see my novel on the bookshop shelves, or anywhere they sell books.
  • Even better if you see someome buying your book!
  • Stan2 how true! I would love it if the local school had one of my books as a topic in its book club. *smile*
  • Vaguely similar.
  • My aim is to get a novel published in hardback. Just thinking how lovely my (two) novel covers would look in hardback. (she says wistfully). Also to get the series of books I am developing featuring the same main characters published. I say "developing", but so far I only have an outline. First I need to finish my current novel - 60,000 words and counting. It's "apply bum to seat, fingers on keyboard", time, as Jane Wenham-Jones so aptly puts it.
  • Right now, my aim is just to get published. Once that happens (and it will!! :) ) I'll be able to move on to other writing goals...

    Although, in the meantime, I want to start writing more scripts and screenplays.
  • I don't want to make a living from writing, then it'd become like work rather than pleasure. My main goal is to be a good writer, and seeing my articles in print is the biggest motivator. Every time I get an article published it gives me a sense of achievement, something I don't get at work because that's just what I do for a living; and more importantly my job isn't satisfying.
  • Do you want to have a book published? Yes

    A good review of it? Not too bothered about reviews as long as readers like it.

    Fame &/or fortune? Just the cash, please.

    To be able to live off your writing? Yes.

    To see your novel in the bookshops? Yes.
  • Anyone else like to comment?
  • Back in 2006, I wrote:

    "What is your aim? Do you want to have a book published? A good review of it? Fame &/or fortune? To be able to live off your writing? To see your novel in the bookshops?"

    I wondered if anyone had anything they'd like to add.
  • Hi Jay and all TB'ers,

    Do I have an aim? Several, linked like dominos (not the pizza!) and until the first one topples, the others are pure fantasy.

    While there is good advice to read widely in and outside of your chosen field(s), I've got to the point where I think I'm addicted to reading. No sooner is one book finished then I need to start another. (Damn those cunning authors who write a series.)

    So, my first aim is to cut back on reading and focus more on writing again. This could be my one and only New Year's resolution.

    Oh yes, I want to be published, claim space on the shelves in bookshops and get feedback from readers/fans (since critics are there to be critical).

    Fame? I'm not that ambitious and if it ruins the enjoyment of writing then no but I'd welcome the extra cash to make living a bit more comfortable.

    Okay, back to the first domino ... :)
  • I have no aims at all - I wander aimlessly through life :)
  • i want to walk in WH Smiths and see my book on the shelves, then i will be the happiest little bunny there ever was :)
  • You see that massive woman over there, bending over to load her shopping into her car boot? And, you see this gun with plastic pellets I just won at the fair ..................
  • Sounds too easy a target.
  • I've already seen my books on the shelves - but happily not for long. I have some great video footage taped off the local news from Waterstone's in the Metro Centre where the manager says that my book has only been on sale for two days but it is already outselling the likes of Eats Shoots and Leaves and Martin Johnson. Plus...

    Paul Roy, manager of the Gateshead MetroCentre's HMV store, said: "We knew it would be a big seller but the demand is just sensational. We have similar books that we sell about one a day but Little Book of the Toon is doing more than 150 a day. We've never seen anything like it."

    Talk about catching a wave ;)
  • [quote=Sagesse]Sounds too easy a target. [/quote]

    Not really, considering the wobble of said target, coupled with my wibbly eye affliction.
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