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Shortlisted for a Travel Writing Comp



  • Well done. It is quite possible that OH is right. You're a winner in our eyes, whatever the judges say.
  • I've only just seen this, Claudia. Wow! You must be thrilled. Many congratulations.
  • What a lovely bunch you are.
  • I've only just seen it, too. What a thrill! That's great news, Claudia. Well done and well deserved.
  • Congratulations Claudia! Runner up is still a fantastic achievement!
  • Congratulations Claudia! Where do you think you'll go for the holiday? :-)
  • WEll done Claudia!! Enjoy your well-won holiday!
  • edited April 2008
    Congratulations, Claudia! That's a real achievement. I guess the fact that you feel a twinge of disappointment at being runner-up in a prestigious international competition and ending up with a very nice prize is a measure of just how well you've done.
  • I second Joey
  • Wow - thanks again everyone. Cox & Kings holidays are on the pricey side, so we'll have to decide what we can put the voucher towards. I quite fancy a weekend in Venice...
  • Amsterdam is lovely if you've never been. More museums and tourist attractions than you can visit in a week, beautiful architecture, friendly locals... then again Venice could be like that and I wouldn't know. I'm sure wherever you go you'll have a fantastic time!
  • At the risk of teaching my grandmother to suck eggs, there's also Bruges and Rhodes.

    (Plug warning! If you've never been to Bruges, you'll find out about it here:

    http://www.bewrite.net/bookshop/excerpts/dkol.htm )
  • I went to Amsterdam in 1998 on one of those art holidays with a guide, and it was brilliant! We went to several museums, including The Van Gogh Museum of course, and she was very good at weaving his life story into the story of each painting. It was a fantastic trip, but it was even better because of the guide!
  • We went to Bruges a couple of weeks ago. They have a museum of chocolate :)
  • Museum of chocolate? Mmmm... note to self, must go visit!
  • They do indeed have a museum of chocolate. The Ice Sculptures (in Winter) and sandcastle exhibition ( in summer) were pretty good too - not sure if the venue for those changes. If you want a town, Ghent is actully at least as interesting and quieter. I suppose I should promote Antwerp too having lived there for two years!
  • claudia said: Received the official e-mail today; I was runner-up.
    Am I disappointed? Yes, of course but still thrilled to have got so close and I've won a £500 Cox & Kings consolation voucher to put towards a holiday.
    I chatted with OH about the disappointment and the darlin' said, "you were probably the chosen winner, but they picked someone else because they could attend the dinner."
    Ah well, upwards and onwards...

    Update: April 2009 -
    We're finally using the voucher for a trip to Florence at the end of this month to kick off our summer in Europe (and an editor has asked for an article on it, so that's a bonus.)
  • Have a great time!
  • Ohhh, Florence!
  • Enjoy! What a bonus, getting another article (or several?) out of it as well!
  • edited April 2009
    Your good news just goes on and on....always a delight to hear. :)

    (Kangaroo - your comment immediately made me think of The Magic Roundabout! :) )
  • Many Congratulations Claudia on your great achievement, you are an inspiration to us all to keep going . Enjoy Florence.
  • Nice one Claudia!
    Many congratulations and jubilations to you!
  • Glad for you Claudia. Well done!
  • I am NOT jealous, Claudia - it's just the way I hold my mouth! ;) Well done - safe travelling.
  • edited April 2009
    Don't know what to say about all the good wishes so here's a smiley
  • Well done Claudia. Have a wonderful holiday. :P
  • Have a great, and productive, time. And even better some of it has been funded by your prize. :D
  • Well done.
  • Claudia said - trip to Florence at the end of this month to kick off our summer in Europe (and an editor has asked for an article on it, so that's a bonus.)

    You are probably packing or at least preparing for your trip by now. What a wonderful bonus prize and a chance to prove you should have gone to Peru! Congrates!
  • I've only just seen this, as I haven't had time to go on TB, but many congratulations, Claudia. I know how hard it is to win with travel writing, so extra well done! Enjoy Florence, it's so beautiful, particularly the main museum, and so is Bruges. Don't spend too much money at the outlet centres near Florence!:)
  • Well done Claudia, have a great holiday!
  • Well done and look forward to hearing about your adventures.
  • edited April 2009
    Thanks again!
    I'm looking forward to Florence, the only drawback being nearly all my 'good' clothes are in France so I'll have to manage on a tiny wardrobe (this IS Italy we're talking about girls!).
    Apart from that, Yes, I'm madly finishing an article about cruise ships for an in-flight magazine as I promised the editor she would have it this month.
    Then I'll get the restaurant review/indentured labourers in Fiji article started after we go to the restaurant tomorrow night. (Give me something to do on the long flight.)
    Once I'm settled in France I have an article to write about French Wine for another in-flight mag.
    So - you see - it's not all holiday!
  • The expression 'it's hard work but someone's got to do it' springs to mind. It sounds absolutely fabulous and you have me green with envy (in a nice way).
  • Congratulations Claudia. So you are going to Florence, how wonderful, I love Italy and feel quite envious because I am not going there myself this year. Have a smashing time.
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