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My new book, 'Deceptive Encounters'

edited August 2008 in - Writing Tales
Hello everyone,

I'm incredibly excited to report that my forensic science novel, 'Deceptive Encounters' is due for release later this year.
Books should be available from October, though they will not be released to bookshops until Jan 2009.
Advance orders at a discount price are available now; http://www.troubador.co.uk/book_info.asp?bookid=713

The story centres on the forensic evidence linking two truanting school girls, a severed foot found in a lobster pot, and a fugitive teacher to a missing teenager.
No gore, but lots of scenarios that will engage readers on a scientific journey.

My target audience is teenagers / secondary schools. The book supports the Scinece National Curriculum, and also features a scientific glossary.
I hope to tour schools wih this from October. If you have contact with a Secondary school (or upper primary), then I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for your interest,


  • Hello Karen and welcome to Talkback! Congratulations on getting your book published, I wish you every success with it! :-)
  • Well done Karen.
  • Thanks flyingstart and Paul,
    I'm looking forward to making the future a bright one (especially for the school kids who struggle with science).

    Now for some pointless trivia - I know it's daft, but it's my birthday on 11 Aug (next week), and the best ever pressie my friends could give is if one of them pre-orders the book (which hopefully they'll enjoy reading); forget the chocolates and champagne...authors get excited by more minor stuff...Hasanyone else felt this?
  • A book token far more welcome than socks etc.
  • Happy birthday next week.
  • edited August 2008
    If you nip into Talkback on your birthday, Karen, we'll throw you a virtual party!!!
  • Well done Karen! You must be so chuffed - the book sounds brilliant, I may just put in an advance order on payday!
  • Congratulations, Karen. This sounds like something to really boost an interest in science with youngsters from an unusual angle.
  • Thanks for the party offer - I'll do my best not to drink too much if i'm driving.
  • Congratulations on the book Karen and Happy Birthday for the 11th. :P
  • Thanks Wilts
  • Happy Birthday for next week, Karen and congrats on the book:)
  • Congrats on the book, and upcoming birthday.
  • HI midia, HI carol,

  • Congrats on the book - sounds fascinating! Looking forward to your birthday - TB always throws a great party. It's usually an overnighter but of course if you only stay a while you don't get left with the tidy up ! :)
  • Thanks lexia,
    I'll be there to blow out the candles.
  • Well done, Karen!
  • Congratulations Karen.
  • Hi Karen, good luck with your venture. Just out of interest, how much did Matador charge you? i've been told that they're one of the more expensive vanity publishers.
  • I was under the impression that Matador were a self-publishing company. We're always going to disagree on this, Candy, but self-publishing is different from vanity publishing in my book (pardon the pun).
  • Taffetta Punk,
    Thanks for your comments - yes, a self-publishing company it is (not a vanity publisher that will print any dross that is submitted).
    I am very impressed with their attention to detail so far, and look forward to seeing it in print (properly litho printed - not print on demand). It will be in shops from January, however, my main drive will be through the school visit route, which I am gearing up for now. The Writers' and Artists' Yearbook recommend them.
  • I don't really buy this distinction between vanity and self-publishing. If something is not dross then how come no commercial publisher wants it? I don't believe that self-publishing companies turn anything away, either. It wouldn't make sense for them to do so!
  • I don't particularly buy the distinction between vanity and self-publishing either, but this isn't right:

    "If something is not dross then how come no commercial publisher wants it?"

    There are lots of reasons why a commercial publisher might not want to publish something, not all of them indicative of the quality of the product.

    Though, of course, it's also true that a huge number of self-published titles are dross.
  • Best of luck with the book, and Happy Birthday!
  • Thank Jay,
    Very much appreciated
  • Hi Candy,
    Not sure what's happening here...
    I chose Matador for a specific reason, related to my school visits and teaching requirements, for which I require large book quantities at a very reasonable cost to me (less than I could buy from mainstream route). My next book in this series will probably follow suit (next year).
    I need full control over supply and marketing for this venture. I have a mainstream publisher for other projects, which works well too. Personal preference.
    Best not to dwell further - this self-publish/vanity issue will not go away n a hurry. I don't take offence - I see both points of view.
  • Sometimes self publishing is the only route - and we have been here before - as limited interest books will not grab the attention of a mainstream publisher. Who, of all the Big Guys, would want a book on a campaign in 1488 from a small island off the South coast of England? Like, no one. So, I did it myself. I had a rave review today from a buyer.

    Candy, get off this particular soapbox and come clean, tell us how many books 'Sarah' has had out, where we can get them, so we can decide for ourselves whether or not you are 'authorised' or experienced enough to pass the judgements you do on those who visit the board.
  • Self-publishing is becoming respectable, and there is a big difference between vanity publishers and genuine self-publishing companies.
    Like anything it is buyer beware if you venture down the SP route.
    Even good writers/storytellers get turned down by mainstream publishers.
  • themoabird annoys me so much, so opinionated but this time the words are right, Candy should take note. But both of them only pick on subjects where they can pontificate. I have Candy's last name too, it's Miller, that I am saving!
  • "themoabird annoys me so much,"

    Well gee, thanks Dorothy.

    You going to set your imaginary friends on me?
  • I think that was a whisper -that lost the name in the relevent box- it has been happening recently.
    Rather than letting this become a major barny, perhaps you might want to leave a private thread whisper to speak to Dorothy.
  • I"m not going to let it become a major barny. Life's too short.
  • I have asked Jon to check out the clitches that seem to be happening with the whisper system.
    Thank you themoabird.
  • Hello and congratulations!
    Your book sounds really interesting to grown ups too! (I think I'm grown up. Maybe tomorrow.)
  • Carol - While you're at it, you might ask this Jon fella - sorry I don't know much about Talkback - to delete Dorothy's remarks. I don't care two hoots what she thinks about me, but:

    "I have Candy's last name too, it's Miller, that I am saving!"

    seems to contain some kind of veiled threat (saving for what?). Anyway, the whole thing is unpleasant.
  • edited August 2008
  • Ah, I maybe should have read the above posts before putting mine in.
    Didn't mean to interupt, er, a war.

    (ps: my comment should've read "Your book sounds really interesting to grown ups too! I don't think it will be limitted to purely a children's audience (I think I'm grown up? either way I'd read your book!)"

    And folks.. please chill a little.
    From an outside point of view, things that should've been private are public due to a glitch, and this is purely unfortunate.
    Look on the bright side: Things people have whispered about me are probably FAR FAR worse.

    (herbal calming tea for everyone)
  • :)
    A good point Hickey.
    And hopefully Jon will fix the glitches asap.
  • Hickey - I'm calm to the point of almost being comatose. But I don't think this is just a "purely unfortunate" accident. If you attack somebody in secret, and then you get caught, you can't justify it by saying it was meant to be secret.

    But having said that I'll now make good on my promise not to cause a fuss.

    To be honest, I find this kind of thing diverting, more than anything. I realise that most people on here are conflict averse, but I'm not, so it isn't the kind of thing I get worried about (one of the perks of misanthrope! :-) ).
  • Conflict can be creative...
    I just thing it's a shame if people fall out. We're all really different people, probably more so than even I can imagine. I've probably upset people and not meant to in the past, and I am guilty of being opinionated.
    (hugs to everyone)

    and a BIG welcome to Karen.
  • :-)
  • Don't worry, Moabird. She set her imaginary friends on me and nothing happened, lol. As for my name being Miller, I don't know which of her spirit cronies told her that, but it's wrong...just like the rest of what she says!
  • I just knew you would have something candid to say on this thread, Candy, and I am not disappointed :D
    The one thread I know I will never see your comments on is the 'nicest talkbacker' thread - and fittingly so.
  • What's goin' on, guys?

    It's like a night out at me local!
    Let's be friends.
  • Thanks for your welcome Hickey,
    I'm not sure what's been going on here...
    Best to start afresh and have a good day.
    I suggest we kill the thread and start again when there's more news
    regards to all
  • apologies people, that was a whisper that went off from being a whisper. I freely admit some postings annoy me, but then I am only human, as we all are, and we have all been annoyed with postings from time to time, especially mine, I know that. There is no veiled threat, if Candy wishes to pontificate, she should stand up and be counted, instead of refusing to give us the titles of her book(s). She is Sarah Miller, not Candy. She should be honest enough to stand by her work. I do.
    Believe me, themoabird, there are others who annoy me considerably more ... TBers will know the clashes I have had in the past! Put it down to being a Grumpy Old Lady with too many migraines and too much stress. An OAP who still has to work for a living.
  • The theme of Karen's book reminded me of a news story of a few weeks ago - all those severed feet that were found (in the sea, I think). Did the investigation turn up any explanation?
  • Not heard anymore about the severed feet cases.
  • Hi Jenny, Hi Carol,
    The severed feet ...honestly? I haven't read about them.
    Hopefully they weren't recovered in a lobster pot as per my theme.
    What a gruesome discovery - you never know what you'll bump into when you swim in the sea...
  • It occured in Canada, and I highlighted the articles in a thread on here. They were not in lobster pots I'm glad to say.
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