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My new book, 'Deceptive Encounters'



  • Karen - I've bounced Carol's thread to the top. It's called Murder Plot Anyone - Three Severed Feet.

    If those feet had been discovered in a lobster pot you'd probably have had a visit from the Canadian police by now!! :D
  • Plus after the original three another two were found- all right feet.
  • Spooky!
    I feel another plot coming - school kids love the blood and gore, if I can grab their attention, I can get them to learn something.
  • I've got two left feet!
  • I've got three...so there!
  • Hi Col B.
    An old song, 'Jake the peg' (Rolf Harris) springs to mind...
    Are you the person responsible for leaving all those non-matching pairs of shoes in shoe shops?
  • it would seem like it!
  • Hey, Dorothy, I would so love to know where you dug up my Sarah Miller identity from. Really - I am truly fascinated! I even googled myself to see who I was! I found an actress, a journalist, and an author who lives in LA. But for some very odd reason, I didn't find me! So do tell...
  • edited August 2008
    unless there is another Candy registered, it was on your profile on the old board, before we changed to this one. Unless, of course, you left a fake 'real' name.
  • If you want to believe that that's my name, go ahead. Just watch out that the real Sarah Miller doesn't try to get you for defamation of character...
  • I would say to her as I say to you, that was the name posted on the WN site.
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