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What's the weather like there?



  • Wow, this thread was started in August. It's been lovely with blue skies and dry all week and now it's soaking wet. Sadly I have to go out in it but only to go up my mothers'
  • Not too bad in north Dorset. Need to pop to Blandford so I'll see how the lake is looking (formerly known as the Stour).
  • Nice day for the ducks.
  • Windy and wet. Listening to the rain last night, I do wonder if the village has flooded.
  • Spotted some trees that had been brought down by the wind. The Stour is higher than yesterday and due to flood new ground at some point. Sandbags are out.
  • i'm going out in a minute I think to see the river. It is mad out there.
  • Wet wind, though not precisely rain. Cold.
  • Telegraph wires beating like skipping ropes, gravel noise against the windows. Looking forward to high tide.
  • Wild weather here today after a very noisy night. Winds up to 100kph, sunshine, and driving rain when everything goes really dark. The trees all around are roaring, the wires howling. So glad we got the Little House roof sorted to get through this kind of weather this winter.
  • We keep getting spells of high winds and rain, but it seems quiet at the moment.

    Stay safe all.
  • Our past 24 hours weren't as bad as the forecast. Ongoing rain will be the issue over the next few days. I don't need to escape the town until Sunday, should be okay by then. Or not. I have a pile of books to take to the Purbeck Lit Fest launch.
  • In Edinburgh the weather is kind of how it always is: windy, rainy, grey, and kind of cold! We are in February of course, but to be fair you get similar temperatures in summer here too!
    Really wish I was somewhere south :P
  • I adore Edinburgh and my sister lives there but I have to say the grey and the cold are what put me off.

    London is grey today but considerably nicer than yesterday.

    Happy weather to all, or at least I hope the wild wind and rain eases off for those suffering,
  • Had a very heavy downpour of hail. Now there's a blue sky but it's colder. Have put the heating on in my office for a quick blast.
  • It's been sunny here, and quite warm. I went out without a coat.
  • Windy as chuff monkeys and spitting every now and again.
  • Yes, yes – but what about the weather?
  • Not a clue - too busy goffing and parping to check.
  • Cold. 3C maximum when we went out. Sleet, snow, wind's getting up again. Daffodils and primroses were looking very surprised at the roadsides. The hawthorn and the ornamental cherries are in blossom too.
  • I adore Edinburgh and my sister lives there but I have to say the grey and the cold are what put me off.

    London is grey today but considerably nicer than yesterday.
    Yes - not to mention the hail and the strong wind that goes through all of your layers of clothes! London must be so much nicer :) (much milder!)
  • Wasn't too cold today, but the temperature has dropped a bit now, so expect frost in the morning.
  • Wet in Dorset.
  • No rain, white sky.
  • Dry but cold here on the Wirral.
  • Wild. http://www.meteoalarm.eu/en_UK/0/0/FR047-Cotes_d'Armor.html
    We were woken up at 7am by a tremendously gusty and noisy hailstorm. The sun comes out now and then, and there's less rain than we expected.
  • Lovely sunshine now.
  • Drizzly and bloody freezing!
  • Was very bright but very cold too. Now yucky dark clouds are moving in.
  • A beautiful day.
  • Same here - but very cold.
  • Gorgeous out there but COLD.
  • It's been gorgeous all day over here - view out on the bay is incredible. Oh, and it's a bit nippy.
  • I'd love a flake or two of snow.
  • It is very cold still.
  • Very cold this morning. Haven't been out yet but cars are covered in frost and pedestrians look cold!
  • Bright but cold.
  • Cold. Went out to put hot water in the bird bath and it didn't make a dent in the ice. Went back with kettle.
  • It's been gloriously sunny for most of the day after a cold start, and I've got three loads of washing almost dry. Feels like spring. It won't last, but it will be back.
  • Very wet and dull.
  • Grey, damp, chilly. Heating's going on.
  • Chilly. But am trying to keep heat off till 3pm. that was my limit yesterday when I realised I wasn't doing anything at all but huddling. it's not as cold as yesterday I don't think.
  • Very cold, now raining. We're on yellow alert for snow/black ice, but I think it's gone to Normandy instead. Heating should be coming back on very soon.
  • We also have a yellow alert for ice - for early tomorrow morning. Wet roads/freezing - glad I don't have to drive anywhere.
  • OH has to, sadly. And then cycle. He says his hands are freezing. But inside silk gloves are not in the budget.
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