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What's the weather like there?



  • Presumably this isn't the first winter he's cycled to work. He'll survive.

    Pouring with rain. I need to go out for fresh air.
  • Wet! Sammi needs her afternoon walk.
  • Fat, cold blobs of rain - but rain all the same, not sleet.
  • Sunny; cold in the wind, but after yesterday's rain, it's a treat.
  • I was promised snow last night.

    Promisers are fickle.
  • They said there's be snow at Christmas...

    Lovely and bright here - still is.
  • .. they said there'd be Peace on Earth.
  • Been raining today, but not when I was out shopping so that's all right.
  • Beautiful morning. Coldish breeze, but warm in the sun.
  • Clear sky and the some shining through, though not sure how cold it is yet.
  • Frosty here, which explains last night's need for an extra blanket.
  • A very white start, sunshine, and now the odd shower. Warming up though.
  • Wet and windy - but not a patch on what's happening in Fiji... worrying about my friends in the South Pacific as Cyclone Winston makes landfall. :(
  • :(

    Much warmer here, but a very grey and damp day.
  • Not too cold but very windy and raining.
  • It's suddenly become colder. The sky's clear and I've had to put the heating on in my office.
  • I think it snowed for three seconds today. My friend and I definitely saw white blobs falling.

    There were no pigeons around.
  • ...worrying about my friends in the South Pacific as Cyclone Winston makes landfall. :(
    It's awful - they're saying Winston was the worst recorded cyclone in the south pacific - and it hit Savusavu (my old home town). I've been sending messages - but although I know of one friend who is safe (although not his property) - I can't get through to others yet as phone lines/internet are still down. :(
  • Photos looked awful. Nothing left in some areas.
  • Oh no! How awful.
  • Glorious today! Cold but very bright.
  • Glorious sunshine early on for my woodland walk with Sammi. Just had a long wintery shower. Blue sky now coming this way.
  • Bright... but cooooold.
  • Frosty! Lovely clear sky.
  • Claudia - any news of your friends?

    Cold here - well, my toes are, anyway.
  • Claudia, I was wondering how your friends got on. Hope everyone is safe and well, in spite of the horrendous pictures.
  • It's flipping cold today!
  • Sunny and warmer today so far.
  • Doesn't look too bad outside, but someone has a fire and the whole area is smoky. I can smell it indoors. Can't see the source, so it's possibly the allotments.
  • Sunny, but a slicing north-easterly wind. Good for drying things, not good for being outside in it.
  • F-f-f-freezing. Hot water bottle weather.
  • Same as yesterday. The wind is coming straight down the Channel off the North Sea and is vicious. The sunshine invites, the wind repels.
  • Cold and grey. Snow was forecast for the early part of the week. That seems to have changed since this morning.
  • Nice day for the ducks.
  • Yep. Same here.
  • It has been raining and pouring, and I'm sure that somewhere an old man was snoring. It has eased off now.
  • Sorry, the snoring was probably me.
  • I didn't like to mention it.
  • Grey but mild. Didn't need gloves.
  • Wet, windy, grey. I see that there could be snow down as far as the UK south coast later this week, so cover up your tender plants.
  • At the weekend they forecast snow in Dorset for Wednesday. Now it's going to be just rain. Lots of rain.
  • Gordon Bennett it's rough out there, hail sliding down the windows, armadas of brown waves. My favourite writing day of the month at library of Avalon so got to go out in it.
  • Unlike Ana's exciting inclemency, here it is merely non-descript.
  • Wet and cold. Just popped the heating on for a blast. Off to Poole this afternoon, but it should have improved by then.
  • Very, very, very windy. We're not far from Ana.
  • Sun is out (not forecast); yellow warning for thunderstorms and violent winds, gusting up to 105kph. Oh, and hail. At that speed, it will be like pebble-dashing. I'm not going out.
  • edited March 2016
    Had all sorts today- sun, dark, clouds blotting out the sky, wispy clouds, fluffy clouds, light rain...
  • Same here. sunshine , wind, rain and hailstones.
  • Damp and grey. No sign of my slab man.
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