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What's the weather like there?



  • We're on yellow warning for violent winds up to 110kph this evening and tonight. Again. This winter has been just as string of storms, and it's really time it moved on.
  • Yucky and wet.
  • Wild. Noisy. But the forecast for the next ten days is mostly sunny and dry. As in, no rain. No mud. No puddles. *does Baloo the Bear dance*
  • Blowing a right old Gale. Trees down, fences waving threateningly.
  • Very nasty. Wet and windy. Cold. Might even be sleet. I need to go out later.
  • Blowing a right old Gale. Trees down, fences waving threateningly.
    Wave back even more threateningly. That should sort them.

  • Waving fence panels pack a punch. I wouldn't encourage the waving.
  • Damp and dreary.
  • Too scared to wave back
  • Going out. Need fresh air.

  • Far too much fresh air here - some of it delivered in 95kph gusts that slam into the house. And it's cold and wet too. I'm glad we live away from the coast and we have some shelter from hills.
  • Very wet, very windy. It was worth braving the elements for the exercise.
  • Very still here.

    Thanks for holding the fort.
  • VERY windy. Quite scary at times.
  • Likewise, Liz.
  • You wouldn't want slabs laid on mud - they'd slide.

    It must have rained hard last night. There was a duck swimming in one of the puddles I passed en route to rehab this morning.
  • Up until I booked slab man, the weather was lovely. :(
  • Raining. It has been raining all day.
  • The wind has dropped to a point where it is possible to stand upright, and rumour has it that the rain is easing off.
  • Thick fog.
  • Glorious sunshine.
  • Misty. But it looks like it's burning off. It wasn't that cold when I popped out at 8.
  • edited March 2016
    It's sunny now. Hooray!
  • Ooer it were reet mysterious in t'fog earlier.
  • Foggy when I left home, but a few miles down the road there was one of those rare sights - sunshine reflected off the fog. Such a glorious colour, and a moment later I drove into bright sunshine.
  • Still, grey, a few fleeting blue bits, and none of the promised sunshine. I think the wind has gone for a lie down, exhausted.
  • It turned into a lovely sunny day. Cooling down now and I suspect the fog will fall later tonight. But I do think Spring is on the way.
  • Dull but dry and warmish.
  • edited March 2016
    Lovely here - sunny and warm. Today could be the start of gardening 2016 round at mine.
  • After a foggy start, it's turned out sunny and warm. The birds are all singing their hearts out. It could be Spring, you know.
  • Spring like...
  • Lovely, bright evening.
  • Foggy morning - couldn't see twenty yards at 8.30am.
    By 11am it was almost clear, and this afternoon I had a lovely walk in the sun.
  • Gorgeous day today. Sunny and warm.
  • Windows are open. Heating's off. It'll be 'fresh' by the time I return. :)
  • Sun is finally breaking through the clouds.
  • Still sunny and warm. A glorious spring day.
  • Sunny after the mist, but the wind was cold. Lovely if wrapped up or in a sheltered spot.
  • Looks wonderful, but wind cuts like a knife.
  • Another gloriously sunny warm day.
  • Same here, although the wind was/is bitterly cold. I've just popped out and despite the sun, it's very chilly.
  • Bright and breezy - and very cold.
  • Frosty start, and not more than 3C when we went to the market in Quintin, but the sun through glass is lovely.
  • Dull and looks like it will be very cool- I'm not going out to check.
  • Beautiful here in Warrenpoint. Sunshine and birds tweeting all over the shop. :D

  • Cloudy and cold in Sussex.
  • Went very cold this afternoon and dull.
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