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What's the weather like there?



  • Yes, but what of the weather?
  • :)

    Dull here.
  • Sunny here. Quite warm out.
  • Very foggy.
  • Foggy when I first looked out, sunny now.
  • Delightful.

    Excellent morning for breakfast on one's patio, what ho!
  • Sun is shining. Summer clothes are on.
  • Boiling on hammock in garden with phone and builders doing roof next door probably wondering why I'm wearing a scarf...
  • If you're only wearing a scarf, I expect they're doing more than wondering about you.

    Clouding over.
  • Lol! I did divest the scarf in the end when i started to burn slightly. I was also wearing track suit bottoms a top and a fleece.

    Getting out of the hammock was worth watching. I hope they weren't. It was terribly painful.
  • No sunbathing here - I'd go rusty.
    Drizzle followed by rain this morning while I was at the park with Millie doing Nanny duty because her mummy has bruised her big toe joint by dropping something heavy on it.
  • Been sunny all day here but not very warm. Still at least we enjoyed the sun.
  • Same in Dorset. Very chilly out. But it is nice to see the sun.
  • Sunny but cold.
  • Bloody cold this morning. A shock after the past week.
  • Might have to put the heating on.
  • Sunny, but cold out of the sun.
  • The weather here is odd. Walked out this morning when it was fairly warm, with the odd shower; at midday I stood in the garden talking to our French neighbour, and it was really cold, and the kitchen door hurred up; now the sun's shining. Wind has gone from West to North-Easterly. (We put up a weather vane on the Little House/Ivy Cottage and keep telling each other the direction. The excitement will wear off, no doubt.)
  • Been cold and raining on and off all day.
    OH just came back from Asda and he'd seen snow.

    We live in one of those odd zones where we can have rain, while half a mile away it can be dry, or sunny.
  • Well..sunshine, then hail, then sunshine, then snow, then clouds, then snow, then sunshine...utter madness.
  • Sounds like winter outside. Wind and hailstones. Is it really May on Sunday?
  • It's snowing. SNOWING. Dorset.
  • Aye, just started snowing here a little bit as well.
  • Had some hail. I'm not cold in here, though...
  • ...and it stopped snowing. Boooo!
  • Just going out to clear the path.
  • Windy, but bright blue sky, low big fluffy clouds and sunshine.
  • Just going out to clear the path.
    Awww, jealous.
  • Nowt there. Dry path. :(
  • It was 3C when we went into Quintin for the market. Managed to avoid the showers then and on the morning gallop. Now sunny but cold.
  • More snow.
  • No snow. :((
  • I keep turning suddenly to the window to catch out the odd, stray snowflake, but they're on to me.
  • SNOW!!!!!!!
  • Snow as I drove to the gym this morning - warm and sunny when I came out.
  • Hailing. Neighbour was just cutting his grass before going back to Paris tomorrow.
  • It's been raining, then a bit of snow joined in, now it's all stopped and is overcast.
  • Bright at the moment.
  • Snowing again.
  • Bright again. We've had everything today.
  • Looks like any moment the sky will drop something, but whether it's rain or snow I can't predict.
  • ? a clanger?
  • ? a clanger?
    Something like that.


    It rained for a very short time and now the sky is very blue again. :-/
  • Cold. Still sat in the pub's garden - but we were all wrapped up.
  • Huge claps of thunder last night, and this morning there were piles of swept-up hailstones in Waitrose car park.
  • Wow! I was late for physio, went at quite a lick and didn't realise how cold it is until I came out...
  • Cold and wet.
  • There was a very heavy frost this morning.

    Just had a sudden downpour and it's still a tad grey.
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