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What's the weather like there?



  • Definitely a hanging out a loada washing day today.
  • Washed most of me towels today, even if they didn't need washing! Lovely blowy day out there.
  • Bright and breezy. Nippy in the wind.
  • It was lovely and sunny for St Patrick's Day
  • Dull this morning so far. Sun forecast for later.
  • Still dull but had a lovely walk on the beach with Sammi.
  • Dull and cold. There's a sleety dampness in the air.
  • Grey, non-descript.
  • Chilly - definitly scarf weather.
  • Dull and cold. Oh well at least is dry. Had an enjoyable woodland walk with Sammi earlier.
  • Same here - apart from walking with Sammi. ;)
  • Cold. The sun shone for all of ten minutes. The log burner is going, and the electric heater up here has come out of mothballs.
  • Very bright, blue sky, some high thin clouds, good to see sunshine after a couple of cloudy days.
  • Grey, not too cold.
  • Same here, but we had a sunny interval earlier.
  • Cold north-easterly wind. Been for a walk and needed hats and gloves and a brisk pace.
  • Warmer generally. There were blue bits and sunny bits, but now there's a large black bit, which can just push off again because I've got washing to hang out.
  • The sun is out. I am very tempted to try coffee in the garden for the first time in 2016.
  • Grey and murky here. Nevertheless I am going to walk up to the post office.
  • Warm and sunny and lovely. Been admiring the buds on all the roses, and digging over the herb bed. Looks really horrid for the weekend so had to make the most of it.
  • Grey and okay. After tomorrow we're due some nasty weather.
  • Cold rain as I walked up to meet Leo from school earlier. Quite glad I'm not going out tonight.
  • Same here!
  • Started the first shower at around 5pm. That's the end of the warm and sunny spell, and the start of the wild, windy and wet one.
  • After a dull day it's now raining.
  • A gorgeous sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky.
  • Same here! And tomorrow's rain won't be as bad as expected. Allegedly.
  • It's beautiful here today. Sunny and warm with a few wispy clouds. Just in time for the children's Easter holidays - perfect!
  • Lovely day - we were really warm sitting outside in the walled garden of a village cafe.
  • Been a lovely day, warm and drying- some of the towels actually dried out on the line.

    Cooled off a bit now.
  • Dull, windy and rain threatening.
  • Thin mizzly rain, wind getting up. Could reach 110kph on Monday. Glad we got out yesterday.
  • Blowy and very dull- rain due later. :(
  • We're on yellow alert for thunderstorms, which are rare here. The rain is occasionally torrential now, so it's an evening for a fire, a good book, and a cup of herbal tea.
  • Just had a heavy downpour with heavy winds.
  • Horrendous on the roads. Glad to be home.
  • Glad you are home safe BB.
    Very heavy rain here earlier and windy. Glad I was inside.
  • edited March 2016
    Woken at (the new) eight am by hailstorm.
    Walked up to church an hour later through a gale.
    Drove to collect Mum at 12 in pouring rain.
    Came home from son's house at 2.30 under blue skies.

    What's the weather like here? Take your pick!
  • That's about the same as here, Lizy. Now on orange alert for high winds - it will be a noisy night.
    Stay safe, one and all.
  • Wet and windy!
  • It was a dark and stormy night...

    No, really, it was!
  • The truth is stranger than fiction...
  • Raining!
  • Dark and stormy here, too.

    We had sun all day practically yesterday, though, it was lovely. Just rained after our walk when the last of us had stepped over the threshold for about half an hour, very lucky we were.

    Windy but sunny at the minute.
  • It's dry at the moment, and bits of blue sky appearing between the mass of clouds before it disappears again.
  • Much the same in Dorset. Rain will return later, apparently.
  • I was woken up by the storm - and leapt out of bed to check on our car when one of the community's recycling bins went flying. Car was fine, fortunately, but I had to shut the window against the noise to be able to get back to sleep.

    This morning was still windy but warm enough for a lovely walk.
  • edited March 2016
    Violently stormy overnight. The power went off some time in the night, and has only just been reconnected. We both feel jet-lagged - tension and tiredness. Hail, rain and more winds all day. No damage, thankfully.
  • We now have very blue sky with the odd lurking cloud.
  • Torrential rain an hour ago - and it was very dark. Now we have sunshine and a few clouds.
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