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  • That's quite official, that set down in law. Supposing you came to an agreement with someone who wasn't a professional photographer, to take a certain amount of photos, on specific images, and we both agreed a price, probably not the officially standard practice of doing things, but both signed and agreed upon, would this be acceptable?
  • Lydia, do you not go out at all? Surely you have to eat? You can take a photo of a wall and make it interesting. Or in a park. i can't believe you live in such a cultural and natural feature wasteland there is nothing to take a photo of. Railings. Interesting shapes in the paving stones.

    Do you have a phone? You can take photos on your phone and upload them by putting the lead from your charger into the computer, they'll upload automatically.

    You are not a business, the photographer could sell you a photo but it would still be his copyright.
  • Ask a friend? You could come to an agreement for them to allow use on your blog. Seems a bit OTT for a blog that will have limited reach.

    Will you write something and then ask if someone has a suitable photo? Or will you request photos and then begin writing?

    Give me a subject and I'll see if I have anything.
  • Are they very specific images you want Lydia?
    If not, then maybe people on here may have ones they don't mind you using. (Not volunteering for anyone else though - that's up to them!)
    As long as the person agrees that you can use the photo for your blog then I don't see a problem.
    I'd be happy to send you some if they are ones I had taken anyway.
  • Cross posted with BB there!
  • I'm disabled and have agoraphobia. So stuck indoors. I'm just wondering for things like Instagram and uploading some images related to some blog posts ideas that it might be more cost effective if I could have a working arrangement with an amateur photography, to snap a few photos, which might be less expensive than flickr perhaps or, maybe just for some specific photos that I cannot find a match for my idea of flickr?
  • Not much more cost effective than free!
  • I'd be more interested in reading about your life coping with agoraphobia than I would be in looking at some random photos taken by a stranger.
  • Views from your window - that's what you need for the photos. Take them yourself, let the images reflect your life. You could invite bloggers to write guest posts about what they can see through their windows. It could become a book. OMG! Forget the fiction, write a book about how you cope and survive.
  • And don't forget to mention Baggy in the Acknowledgements!
  • Might write it myself. The race to publish begins...
  • How would an agoraphpbic commit a murder?

    That has to be a short story.
  • Invite the window cleaner in through the sash window and choke him with his squeegee.
  • Invite the window cleaner in through the sash window and choke him with his squeegee.
    Or, invite him in and ask him about free images from flickr!!

  • *sighs*

    I was trying to be serious.

    You couldn't dispose of the body. You'd had to commit the murder remotely. Poison in the post...
  • *sighs*

    I was trying to be serious.

    I will try that one day. Sorry!!

  • You couldn't dispose of the body.
    No, but you could make it look like natural causes, an accident, or self defence.
  • Hi Lydia - I'm no expert on photos so just Googled 'free photographs to download' and there seem to be dozens of sites offering free photographs (some that came up do actually charge but others seem to be free). I looked at a couple of sites that said they were CC0 public domain royalty free photos that can be used for commercial purposes. No licence needed, no payment, not even insisting on acknowledgment of the photographer. From my very quick look there seemed to be a decent selection.

    Apologies if this is an avenue you've already explored and discounted.
  • Well, it seems Agatha Christie has been exhumed and is splurging out her little detective story. Shall we have Miss Marple in the lead? Which version? Have enjoyed the presence of almost all the actresses who have played that part over the years. My mother loved those tales..

    And thanks, Keith, for that insight. I shall go, now, online, to check out some sites. Cheers.
  • edited February 2017
    Decided to take the initiative and look online regarding using famous people's quotes on instagram. Seems you can use them as long as they are not part of your brand, for sale? Have I read that right?There are even social media influencers with their own comments you can quote.

    Thinking that, as a writer, I'd like to use my instagram site for mostly quotes, maybe adapting lesser known ones to ensure against the possibility of transgressing intellectual property rights. With the odd photo from one of the free royalty stock websites? Does this idea have merit? I'd like your opinions on this, please...
  • edited February 2017
  • I'd like to promote MY product with my own quotes! I think I'd feel a little uneasy (and falsely egotistical) referencing, say, P.D. James or Patricia Cornwall to my work.

    We do, however, live in a world of 'Each to our own'! I hope you find something useful, Lydia.
  • Thanks for that suggestion, PET. Think it might be a good idea, should I decide to go ahead with instagram, as Twitter, tumblr and Facebook are quite a handful in themselves, but instagram would be another opportunity to link up, but maybe I'll seek out some inspiring words and then adjust them to my own perspective which, as you have indicated, is probably what any good writer, worth their salt, would be doing...
  • I don't think PET said anything of the sort.
  • I meant she suggested writing one's own quotes rather than quoting other's. So, as above, I shall go ahead with that.
  • Be original. Be you. Forget using other people's photos and words.
  • You couldn't dispose of the body. You'd had to commit the murder remotely. Poison in the post...
    An envelope for return of something, on which the glue was laced with distilled nicotine or some other odourless poison. You might also be able to get away with somebody else coming in and posting back the murder weapon by accident while being helpful.
  • Webbo, you've clearly put a lot of thought into that.
  • Lydia: Write some stuff. Yourself. Put it somewhere. That's it!

    Anything else, whether that be building a profile or looking for pics or trying to establish whether your plot twist should come in chapter 19 or 21, is putting the cart before the horse
  • BB - the nicotine I've always seen recommended by classic whodunnit theorists as virtually undetectable. Whether that's true I don't know. The "return post" thing just came to me and now seems like something I should use.

  • Yes, I thought of that too, Webbo (sorry). I kept it to myself as I didn't want anyone to think of me as a serial killer after I'd already suggested Death by Squeegee.
  • After months of silence, an outbreak of Webbo.

  • I once killed an editor by painting poison on the corners of a manuscript.

  • Great minds TN.
    Sorry SM, been rather busy. Still rather busy in fact. I've been sent a load of manuscripts with some weird gloop painted onto all the corners.
  • Ooooh. How exciting.You mean... a Webbovel?
  • Your suggestions all have merit as usual. I know writing is THE essential ingredient but am also aware that I need to set up my social media while getting on with my writing. So am gathering together all the information relevant for this and am finding that going directly to websites with these details is a lot easier on getting the essential details rather than reading through entire books on these topics. It's a form of delegation of information, if that makes any sense..?
  • It's a form of delegation of information, if that makes any sense..?
    Nope. None whatsoever.
  • It's nice to be obstruse, don't you agree. Best not try to be too clever though..
  • LizLiz
    edited February 2017
    Do you mean abstruse?
    It's nice to be obstruse, don't you agree. Best not try to be too clever though..
  • Thanks, Liz. Mind's in a bit of a muddle just now. Might stop my activity, take some time off, and reflect, meditate. Thanks for the unintended prompt...
  • And as another example, this morning I took a photo of a pile of apples with an onion. That's for a tweet about 'knowing your onions'.
    That scheduled tweet is about to burst through the fruit and veg of Twitter...tonight. :)

  • That was a very good pun! Made me laugh! Going back to my roots...
  • Just browsed on pixabay.com. Trying to figure out how to download one of their photos? They have four different image dimensions and I haven't a clue of how to 'size them up properly' so I can choose the right size to download onto my social media sites... and advise, please?
  • Lydia, you're going to have to scale them down. Wordpress has the scaling function when you 'select featured image'. Quite technical to give step by step on here, but you would probably want to keep all images to the same dimension. Simply download the required pic into your download file, and then from Wordpress select the image and scale to, say, 800 wide. Wordpress will do the rest, but you must save the image in the new size.
  • I never scale anything down for my website. All my own photos and anything else goes in at original size. I HATE going to websites where the pictures are so small you can't see them.
  • A lot of Pixabay pics are 1400 or 2400mm pics. Massive 1.4 mb files. They would fill a whole screen!
  • Earlier in this thread it was mentioned about following 200 blogs a day?

    200? Where you have to read and provide meaningful comment?

    Why would anyone spend their precious waking moments filled with this tedious activity?

    Half a dozen maybe which means it wd be enjoyable not tedious, but 200?

    * totters away humming words to tune of Get A Life*
  • LizLiz
    edited March 2017
    Yes. Have you seen my blog? Files that big and bigger are on my blog. You can choose when you put them in to have them at original, large, medium or thumbnail. I put them in at original. It doesn't look odd at all. It just looks big enough and enough quality to see.

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