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Accountability to Talkback

edited February 2007 in - Writing Tales


  • Righto, come on Talkback friends, it's time to confess all.  From time to time we have a report from DorothyD or Amboline on their current poetry/biography progress but the rest of you keep pretty quiet about where you're at.

    We often ask each other for snippets of info or help with timelines, planning etc. (which is good) but we rarely report back on our progress. So this is the page on which to do it.
  • I'll start:
    1. Beginning fifth chapter of chic-lit/romance novel after rewriting/converting the entire thing from 3rd person into 1st person.
    2. No progress being made on crime novel - have gone completely stale on the original idea.
    3. Book of youthful rhymes well under way.

    Your turn...
  • I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing again, after going through a dry patch. I've been writing a few letters and a book review for the WM Book Review feature page.
  • A dry patch? Haven't you just been to Britain?
  • 1.  Right now I am working on a second draft of my novel.  I say second draft, but I have been working on it since 2001.  You don't want to know how many times I've edited and rewritten this damn thing (or lost it due to a crashed computer or corrupted disks), but I've never been happy with it, this time I am.  This is what I've been trying to do for six years, if a publisher won't take it, then I will establish my own publishing company.  Unfortunately, last night I worked for four hours, and just as I was about to save it, microsoft decided I had a problem and shut down the programme.  I lost a whole night's work.  There was a lot of deep breathing and telling myself that this is an opportunity.  So this morning I am about to sit down and rewrite a rewrite (I suppose I should look on the good side, it wasn't working anyway).

    2.  I am waiting for a reply from Writers' Forum about a query for an article on POD.  This is the first piece of work I have submitted since 2003 (because of a certain agent who will remain nameless), and if it is published it will be my first (paid for that is).

    3.  I am also working on a list of poetry, short stories and an essay for various competitions.
  • Hi Island Girl,
    Well, I've been pretty busy writing articles and have just had the piece I was commissioned to do given the seal of approval which is a huge relief as I had very little knowledge about the subject matter but my research was fascinating and I'm glad it paid off.
    My husband and I were chatting about books and writing last night as he's decided to try and do something himself and I started typing a few notes for a possible article - I got carried away because an hour and a half later it was finished (needs tidying up and editing but the ground work is done).
    Book proposal has been sent away to a particular agent who will take it on - they will, they will, they have to - I say so!
    I am also re-working the synopis of my horror/thriller novel and getting it ready to send to publishers.
    Have a short story to write for the Large Monkey eco-book on climate change which I'm going to enjoy.
    Lots more articles and fiction I want to write but haven't the time for - I have a 'day-job' and a child after all, but never mind!
    Oh! I'm going to do a sponsored Firewalk too which I'm really excited about! (Nothing to do with writing but still very neat.)
    Tha, I say, tha's all folks!
  • I am trying my hand at short stories for competitions.
  • Hi Island Girl.

    I'm waiting for editorial notes on my first 12+ novel.
    Awaiting review of rewrite for publisher on a 7-9 novel.
    I'm currently working on second 12+ novel that is at chapter 15 I'm aiming for 20 chapters. It's looking good so far.
    I've one 7-9 sitting in a drawer awaiting another read and first full edit.
    And three short stories out with a woman's magazine.
    I guess I am quite busy
  • Hi IG, great idea!

    I've just submitted full draft of the manuscript of my non-fiction book to my publisher. It's a 'how to' book called 'The Self-build Survival Guide' and is due to be published in July. This is my first book, and it still feels slightly surreal to know that it will be published. No doubt there will be editing / proof work to do on that shortly.

    Now I've had a couple of weeks breather from finishing writing that, I think I'm going to start making a few pitches for articles / features related to the book to a few relevant magazines. I'm also planning to write a pitch to publishers for another non-fiction 'how to' book about fundraising.
  • Okay, I'm just finishing off the background research for my article on congestion/road charging.And will begin the first draft next week when the boys go back to school.
    I'm cogitating on my hero for my Dorset novel, and am going to revise his profile so I can pin him down, to start writing.
    And there's a short story I need to look at again and revise, before sending it out.
  • Gulp! having just read all the above, I'm a bit scared that you're all going to see though me and trounce me off Talkback for not being a 'proper' writer.  I currently have a huge ideas list and I'm working (whenever I get a chance, about 4 hours a week at present) on various items from it as time and mood allow. Mind you, since joining Talkback I've found I'm a heck of a lot more motivated and generally happier.  I do have three poems and a short story in for comps and I've got tomorrow afternoon off so will get another batch off then, promise!
  • Great thread IG, good to know how everyone's getting on.

    And good for you Smaug, that's plenty in the pipeline.  You are a "proper" writer!

    As for me I'm:
    1) Revising a sitcom script for the TAPS TV Comedy Course (just heard I got in, whoopee!)
    2) Finishing a monologue
    3) Writing a childcare article with a deadline, so better get on with it!
    4) Waiting for final proofs of non-fiction book which should arrive soon and will need checking.
  • Great idea IG. It really helps to take stock every now and then and it’s also interesting to see what other people are doing.

    Just done:
    Sent a query letter re my teen fic novel to a writer friend’s editor that I met socially when in London for my book launch. Waiting reply.
    Sent synopsis and first three for my 170k word psychological thriller novel to my publishers (who published my short story in an anthology and expressed an interest in my other writing). Waiting reply.
    February issue of Velvet magazine (I am co-editor) due out this week. Several articles written by me, an article about my book with photo of me (eee) and also I have edited other people’s work, done the ‘news and events’ section, oh and done a funky new website. Phew. www.velvet-mag.co.uk

    Currently working on:
    Editing a children’s picture book about African Painted Hunting Dogs for charity, lovely story, beautiful artwork but too long for a pic book and needs cutting down.
    Dividing my website into two – taking on pseudonym for children’s writing and giving it its own website, so taking all references to children’s writing off my main site. New pseudonym = Josephine Books (this way I can still use a cutting that has the headline ‘Josie Books a Prize’ from when I was shortlisted for the teen novel).
    Applying for a PhD “Arts and Innovation – How does innovation occur in the digital media industries?” deadline tomorrow. My main focus I hope will be writing forums like this one.
    Continually writing short stories for competitions and submissions.
    Continually contributing to this forum and others (which I do count as writing activity, if it is writing and not making jokes haha).

    Just around the corner:
    Planning to set up a competition with Children’s Fiction Services, who I’m a member of (www.childrensfictionservices.com) and will post details here as/when we have them.
    Another novel that I have in first draft form in bottom drawer is due for a dust and re-edit – haven’t decided yet whether it’s teen or adult, it’s one of those iffy ones.
    Book signing in Cardiff for my book, hopefully March.
    Literary event in Blandford Forum, Dorset, March 9th, my publishers are arranging for me to do a speech and signing.
    When I get a chance, I will continue with my autobiography which I began before Christmas and got 80k into but fizzled on when the hoo-ha over my newly published book took off.

    Smaug and Kanga, we all have dry times. All of this activity at the moment belies my true nature. It’s having the publication that’s motivated me to this extent. Hopefully if I get the PhD then I’ll keep motivated. I also have a day job, a child, and all sorts of other commitments. Really, when I look at this list I can’t believe how much is on my plate. If I get the PhD the day job will go, because it’s a funded full-time one, and v exciting too!
  • I should have said ‘if I get the PhD *place*' as getting the PhD will be four years down the line!
  • When do you find the time/where do you get the energy?
  • JH, I'm quite dizzy with all that - wow! Good luck on your PhD application, it sounds like a wonderful opportunity.
  • Only one major project on the go - nearly 75,000 words into the first draft of my first novel, which I started the actual writing of at the end of May 2006 (after 10 months research and preparation).  Aim is to get the first draft finished by the end of this May, though I think, on reflection, it may take a little longer - absolute final deadline will be 22 July, when we go on our big trip to the Arctic.  It would be good to have it finished, then have a two week break from it in a radically different environment.  I'd like to have the 2nd draft done by the end of the year, though that may be a little optimistic.  I have two incentives: my terminally ill friend (I'd like her to read it - she's been such an inspiration and encouragement) and the need to move back to a 'normal' full-time job paying proper money!  The novelty of scrimping is wearing off - the week I found myself debating whether to spend what was left of my week's money on 1) picking up two films from the developers, 2) buying a new pack of water filters or 3) collecting my duvet from the dry cleaners before they sold it, was the week I decided I was fed up with penny-pinching.  I went for the duvet in the end, for fear they really would get rid of it if I didn't pick it up.  Took her about 10 minutes to find it under a stack of others.
  • I'm exhausted just reading all this.  Currently awaiting judgement on 7 stories.  4 of those have been submitted to magazines, 3 are in competitions.  I have no hope for any of the competition ones (but then I never do).  I have a teeny  bit of hope for 1 or 2 of the ones being considered by magazines, but I feel it's tempting fate to be too optimistic.  It's also frustrating when the process takes so long.

    Meanwhile, am on the final edit of another story, the second draft of a different story, and the 1st draft of something else.  I find it works well for me to have several projects as when I need to put one away to ferment in the filing cabinet for a week or so, I can work on another at a different stage of development.
  • i used to write regularly for three mgazines, around 1970 but career duties put a stop to that. I had a shot at a novel but there was so much else going on it became disjointed and I gave up. When I retired I intended to settle down and write THE novel but my wife became ill and that took over. When she died two years ago I lost interest in everything, then last year I started THE novel, a romantic adventure about an aging rebel who is horrifyed at the growing weakness in society, morals and religion and sets off on his own mad crusade I have had a couple of shorts published recently to get my eye in.
  • Correction: One big rejection email just arrived. 7-9 rewrite has not come up with the goods. Good idea, nice voice, great character and writing tight. But...the story-line isn't quite stong enough.
    At least I can pull it apart and make it stonger.
    At least I can try. Down but refusing to be out.
  • OK. You asked for it. Just returned from doing a Radio Saga interview up in Nottingham.  Doing interview for Farm Radio next week.  Camelot Radio afternoon guest spot this Sat.  This week had an interview for a feature coming out in 'The Lady' March Pets Special edition.  Also this week finalised being a speaker at Durrington Festival (Worthing)in early June, library talk in Thornbury, Glos. late June, and Frome Festival speaker in July. Last night was working on an after dinner talk for a Charity function in March (my first ever ...extremely apprehensive).  Have started knocking together ideas and scribblings for the sequel to Pets in Prospect requested by Hale. Oh yes....there's another thing..now what was it? Taking up far too much precious time...er...something to do with a pun..ishing thread?
  • MW I heard the advance notice of your interview with Saga in Nottingham (Wednesday night when I was coming home from the Writers Club)
    I immediately said 'oh that's Malcolm.'
    Hubby 'Malcolm who.'
    'One of the Talkbackers.'
    'Oh.' Silence.
    Hope it went well.
  • As Daniel is out on the razz, sorry, has gone for a few drinks after work with some colleagues (!), I can add another one to the list this evening. I've finally added content to my website - www.jackson-salisbury.co.uk. Mostly set up for work purposes, but have added the Self-build guide to it as well. Comments and constructive criticism more than welcome please if anyone has the time or inclination.
  • Thanks Carol.  The Saga interview was fun though the presenter - Amanda Bowman - kept getting the title wrong calling it Pets in Progress instead of Pets in Prospect.  But she had read the book , bless her.  When I arrived in reception she came through to introduce herself saying 'Hello. your the gentleman who's been entertaining me all week'.  Turned out she'd been reading the book and said how great it was, very funny.  So immediatley she was able to put me at my ease and made the interview much more relaxing. Though I think I did gabble on a bit too much.  And I was asked a new question reference a village fete in the book and had to answer that off the top of my head, desperately trying to think of the characters involved - not having read the book for some time.  Still all good practice.  Just hope it generates a few more sales. 
  • Katy, thanks for the good luck with PhD app – it’s in the post now so fingers crossed. How do I find the time? People often ask me this, but I don’t like to say ‘I don’t watch much TV’ as this sounds a bit snobbish! And anyway, I do watch a bit of TV, about an hour a day, but often while doing other things. I also don’t have much of a social life and use writing as compensation for this. Filled my life with all sorts of things when my boy was a baby and we couldn’t get a babysitter, so that now we can get a babysitter I find I’m not inclined to go out much.

    I like the website, very professional looking. Love the graphics. Could do with a slightly wider frame for the text so not as much scrolling needed when reading. I’m looking forward to seeing your book in print because I’m interested in self-build and sustainable living myself.

    MW, it all sounds v positive. I’m looking forward to reading your book (should arrive any time soon from Amazon), as it sounds like it’s fun. If you’re being invited to do after dinner speeches then you must be good at tale-telling (well we can tell how funny you are from the punishing thread).

    Carol, lol ‘Malcom who?’ I do this as well, with my partner. I might mention something someone says on Talkback and she’ll say who said that, I’ll say one of the Talkbackers, and she’s like ‘Oh, I thought you were talking about a real person’. They are real people! (or am I just imagining you lot?)
  • Hi here Josie.  Great to know you're getting a copy of 'that book'. I've no pretensions about it. It was written as a light, page-turner  'summer' read and yes it is peppered with puns aka Welshman humour.  Enjoy.
  • Oh me gosh!  You lot are up to all sorts of exciting things.
    As far as little old me is concerned, finished 1st book of a possible 8-9 books series (so far!) in August '06.  Sent out to about 9-10 agents over following 2 months.  Got useful feedback from two of them and rewrote book over November and December.  Book currently with an editor since January; awaiting feedback notes for further improvement before I send out to more agents and publishers.  Meanwhile 120 pages into 2nd book of the series.  Writing slowed down at the moment as just bought a house.  Visions of Laura Ashley wallpaper and white distressed french furniture keep floating to forefront of mind!
  • Anthologies
    Best Gay Erotica 2008 – have just submitted an excerpt from ‘All About Sex’ just in case it qualifies. The closing date is 30th April 2007.
    Best Gay Love Stories 2008 – have just submitted a short story which I had to edit. Realized this week I had another possible, and have asked my usual publisher if she’d take a look at it – it’ll need about 1,000 words removed before it is submitted. The closing date is 15th March 2007.
    Best Gay Romance – have just finished typing one story onto the computer, but am awaiting reply about ballet. Realized this week I had another possible (it’s the same one as for BGLS, and I’m not sure whether I should submit to both anthologies), and have asked my usual publisher if she’d take a look at it. The closing date is 30th April 2007.
    Stories from Songs – have submitted a short story from the ‘Precipice’ book. Realized yesterday I had another possible, and have just finished revising it. The minimum word count is 2,000 words, and mine just made it at 2,001. I’ve just sent it off, which was a bit of a problem as our computer was refusing to send e-mails for a time. The closing date is 1st March 2007.
  • Slightly off track but still relevant. I've been slightly unclear on some aspects of my hero from my Dorset novel, so I started interviewing him, as someone suggested trying.
    The first question was going well when he said something, or I should say didn't say something. It is clearly an important point in his background which I need to consider as it clearly had effected the sort of man he becomes.
    So next week I'm going to sit down and probe further.
    Thanks, whoever it was who suggested the interviewing technique.I will certainly use it again.
  • Got three short stories out for competitions - fingers crossed.

    Vampire novel sitting at approx 200,000 words and in need of me to a)stop b)re-work c) get the bloomin' creatures to stop coming up with new ideas in my sleep, its getting so complex now its not funny.  I'm still following it but as its been a work in progress since early 2003 I should be.

    Fantasy novel sitting awaiting third re-write, I like the story but not sure if I should make it darker and aim for adults or just re-work it and aim it at the teen market.  I could struggle with this one as my writing has become darker and more twisted the more I write.
  • Well, I got my second rejection from the same agent a little while ago.  I sent them my first story (older children's fantasy); they liked it enough to ask for the full ms, but then sent it back.

    So I wrote another story set in the same fantasy world and sent that to them.  They liked this one better than the first, and said some good things about it - but they still weren't enthusiastic enough about it to take it on.

    So where I am now is picking apart a third story in the same fantasy world, in order to make it into a stand-alone story.  I've taken out two characters and given their lines to two other characters, tightened up the plot by about 20,000 words - and I've got to the stage where it looks to me as if it's been stitched together like Frankenstein's monster. 
    So now I have to go through it at least a couple more times to straighten out the clunky bits, change the dialogue so the right character sounds as if they're saying it, and generally turn it into a thing of beauty which is a joy forever.

    And then, maybe, it'll be third time lucky.
  • Continuing with the thread of what we're doing at present, I've had three haikus in English for a Sea Anthology in Serbia accepted, three more going off to a competition in Croatia, three sent to Japan; a villanelle and two other poems requested for a local website; ministory, minilives, miniverse sent to a competition, true story sent to toowrite.co.uk.  At the moment I'm working on our writers' group Anthology and wondering whether to send some short stories to magazines.  I have also writtten a couple of travel articles, hoping to place them.  My husband has just had a travel article accepted.
    I have written a synopsis for a script, but my writers' group think there's a novel in it so,
    if there's time, I might begin that, but cannot envisage it.       
  • Let's hope third time lucky Evaine.
    Dorothy, don't know if it would help but the coat of arms, would the College of Arms be able to assist you? You may have already tried them.
  • I don't spend as much time on Talkback as I used to because once I get on here I spend so much time reading all your comments. I find it hard to leave here and get back to work, so I've made myself cut my time down which is hard because everyone on here is so interesting and friendly.

    As for my work, I am currently at 61,000 words on a humorous novel aimed at the older generation.

    I am also at 43,000 words in a biographical book
    and at about 7,000 words in a time travel novel which I seem to have been writing for years and not getting anywhere because it always gets pushed to the back.

    As well as those I try to get short stories and poetry out as and when I can find the time.

    I have spent alot of time away this last year. Spent the summer in France and the winter in New Zealand, but now I am back I must get down to some serious writing again.

    By the way, I would like to say to all those New Zealand members that you have a beautiful country and are very lucky to live there. I loved it and didn't want to leave.
  • I am working on a few projects at the moment:

    No.1 - Adult relationship/friendship Novel
    (58,900 words so far - the longest I have ever written and it is still running!)

    No.2 - I have planned five chapters for a young adult book and have written many pieces for each chapter so far

    No.3 - My Non-Fiction story on Epilepsy (which I keep forgetting exists!)

    Thanks for your comment on New Zealand Sooz48 - I have lived there all my life but would love to win Lotto to visit London one day!
  • Wow, it’s very encouraging to see what everyone is doing, and plenty of us have more than one project on the go at once! Snooz, ironic that your time travel novel doesn’t get time to be written – perhaps you could steal time from somewhere else, haha.

    My PhD app went off and I’m still crossing my fingers, but no idea when I’ll hear, have to keep positive. Meanwhile I’ve got a lot of other digital projects going on, and thinking about doing a podcast.
  • Sounds like a good idea Josie, just wish I could.There never seems to be enough time in the day. Wouldn't it be great to be able to get a bit of extra time when we needed it?
  • Update: of those 7 stories of mine that were doing the rounds, I have just sold one to People's Friend.  Still no news of the remaining 6, but even if they're all rejected the one acceptance will make up for it.
  • Congratulations!
  • Well done, lilly.
  • Great news lily.

    My limited writing time is devoted to my novel. With a week's holiday coming up at Easter and the Summer not so far away, I hope to finish the first draft by September.
  • Hi Island Girl
    Well Ive had some success with my short stories that Ive sent out so far, they have all been published. Im trying my hand at a novel, but time dictates that ordinary life gets priority. Having said that, I've just got off the phone to our local historical society who have seen my stories published and they have asked me to come on board to write their new local hiostorical books which they are hopeing to relaunch. So time will tell and we shall see. Well done to all of you on the great successes and work you are all involved in. Truly an inspiration to us all!!!!! 
  • Well done Monty, you have obviously been working hard and impressing people, shows what you can do even with limited time.
  • hey!! what a great idea!
    well, i was about halfway through my first novel, and kind of lost steam last year. i put it down for a few months to get the momentum going again, but when i've re-read through it recently i have decided that it's completely rubbish and i'm doing a major rewrite before i waste any more time on it!
    right now i'm concentrating on my short stories, which seem to be coming a mile a minute, so i'm quite happy with my writing progress at the moment. i've been applying to every competition i can, so hopefully i will have some good news soon! xxx
  • Congratulations lily and well done Monty, hope it goes well for you.
  • Yes, well done, Monty.
  • Wow Lily, one in seven isn’t bad. I got one out of nineteen, so you’re on a better percentage than me! Good to see what everyone else is up to, and yes it does seem that a lot of us are doing more than one thing.

    Here’s my update on previous post:

    Just done:
    Sent first three chapters and synopsis to the editor I mentioned in last post, as she replied to my letter saying she’d like to see it.
    Finished editing African Painted Hunting Dogs charity book and sent it back to the author, may have to do more on this in future.
    Sent off my PhD application, was informed that shortlisting will take place at end of March (biting nails in anticipation).

    Currently working on:
    My speeches for Literary event in Huckleberry’s bookshop, Blandford Forum, Dorset, tomorrow which will be full of complete strangers (eek!) and book signing in Cardiff next Tuesday which is going to be full of friends and acquaintances (even more eek!!!) or maybe only three people will turn up and I’ll have to bring the dog along to make up numbers.
    Packaging together a portfolio of writing for a lesbian dating site who contacted me to ask me to write for them – not quite out of the blue as I was in touch with them regarding advertising in Velvet magazine, but this wasn’t what I expected and I’m pleasantly surprised, if a little overworked at the moment! (see another post ‘Big News woo woo’)
    A ‘superhero’ comic book thing full of very bad jokes that I’m collaborating on with my eight-year-old son and we may end up self-publishing the old-fashioned way (i.e. photocopying and distributing among friends and family). This since we both read ‘Captain Underpants’ books recently.
    Continually writing short stories for competitions and submissions, being a bit more discerning lately as I have so much else on!
    Continually contributing to this forum and others.

    Just around the corner:
    All those things that I mentioned last time. I haven’t got to that corner yet, it always seems to move away the closer I get to it. Like the top of a mountain?
  • 2nd draft of novel.  Completely changing as I edit and change the first draft.  Hmmm.

    A piece I'd wanted to write about people local to my area but in a fictional way.

    That's it, writing-wise.  Got to focus.

    Otherwise: 4 children to think about, all with amazingly differing needs.  One to S. Africa (her auntie) for a year, soon.  One has his own art installation at exhibition.  One is being investigated for medical problem. One is fine but worrying problems restoring his Cortina Mk II.  We're (not surprisingly then) going off to Sweden's Ice Hotel shortly.  Beryl the cat is having her first season, bless her, and doesn't know what the heck is going on.

    Meanwhile, my house is about to go on the market and we are giving it a major declutter. 

    Plus, I'm looking for a more permanent job.

    Anything else I should be putting my time to...???
  • Very true, DD, and something we often forget! I used to think of my writing as being my 'me' time but lately it's beginning to seem like another job *gulp*
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