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What's the weather like there?



  • Cold, pouring with rain and miserable.
  • Torrential rain for hours, now blue sky and it's very mild.
  • Wet,wet,wet!
  • Very wet, but can't really complain as its not as bad as it is up north...nowhere near.
  • Grey, sleet, grim.
  • After a wet start followed by sunshine it is now dull with more rain threatening.
  • Did I hear that temperatures were going to drop next week?

    And did I also hear the 'S' word?
  • Not down south. It's raining here at the minute.
  • Temperatures have dropped - the past few days have been cooler and yesterday morning we had a heavy frost.

    The BBC weather website is warning of snow in this area.
  • Really? *wonders where warm clothes are*
  • This morning I think I saw frost on me bushes here. It definitely feels colder.
  • Can I suggest warmer pyjamas, TN?
  • edited January 2016

    Raining here.
  • It was gorgeous this morning for a lovely walk. Just like a typical spring day, sunny, bright, mild, fresh.

    Wee bit chilly here now.

  • Was a bit chilly this morning but not as cold as yesterday. But we've now got steady rain.
  • Another lovely day. We really are blessed in the east midlands.
  • Bright sunshine - heavy frost.
  • Lovely sunny but cold morning. Wet now.
  • Cold today, but didn't rain until late this afternoon. Took delivery of heating oil this morning, so we can have warmth to wake up to tomorrow!
  • Lovely sun looking out of the window. i haven't been out since last Friday so it was a bit of a shock going down to choir this evening. Very cold.

    Saw son through window of pub serving someone. That was nice.

    Was half an hour late, which was terrible, because we are singing something horribly complicated, and the words are so hard (Khosi), that at the minute we are only singing 'da das' instead. When you come into a piece of music and everyone is singing 'da da' and you look at the score, it is VERY tricky finding where you are.
  • It's one degree. Brrrrr.
  • Snow has fallen over night. Not too much, thank goodness.
  • I think it's widespread today, apart from the south east where I am. Keep warm and safe, everyone!
  • Wet her. Supposed to be sunny later.
  • No snow in north Dorset. But we had a frost.
  • It's frothy man.

    Oops I mean, frosty. First time this winter I've had to scrape the car!
  • Frost has finally gone, bright sunshine, but still chilly.
  • Snow and soft hail and a rising northerly. Drove to the next village to pick up a parcel; the anti-lock brakes cut in at a junction and we couldn't stop, and then on the way back Mr Bear nearly lost control twice on bends with odd cambers. Not a pleasant journey. Not going out again till Spring.
  • Oooer. No snow, or even frost, here. But it is cold.
  • Very cold out. Even though I was walking at a good pace I really couldn't get warm.
  • After the hail and rain it was sunny long enough for a long woodland walk with Sammi. It is now raining again.
  • Frosty and cold, but quite bright.
  • It was the same here, but now there are wispy clouds.
  • Jolly icy everywhere this morning, but the sun has warmed things up and it's melted (mostly). We have a very steep slope to get up to the road, so I had to stand and make sure it was clear for Mr Bear to drive out without having to stop at the top. There is snow given for tomorrow evening into Monday.
  • Didn't seem to be as frosty today as it was y'day but it's still darn cold.

  • Little bits of snow are falling.
  • I'm expecting to harness the huskies come daylight.
  • Snowing here too, wasn't expecting it this early.
  • White fluffiness everywhere!
  • Only a couple of centimetres last night, and it has melted around the edges, and off leaves.
  • Just a dusting.
    I love that expression - I imagine an ancient Mary Berry up in the sky with a giant sieve full of snow.
  • Nowt but damp.
  • Love that description, Heather.
  • It's snowing again - very gently. I feel peaceful.
  • Nowt but damp.
    Same here.

  • Quite a lot of the snow has now melted leaving everything damp or dripping.
  • Woke to snow - photos on Facebook - but it's mostly gone now.
    Probably just as well - I need to buy the bread I forgot on the way back from church!
  • Just started snowing a bit, but not consistent.
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