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What's the weather like there?



  • Throughout the day we've had bright blue sky alternating with torrential rain. Hope you got through the floods, BB?
  • edited July 2017
    Wasn't a problem, Lizy. I expect the river will be high tomorrow after the rain's drained down from the hills.
  • Windy and dismal.
  • Very pleasant. Washing's on the line.
  • Dark clouds have cleared and the sun is warming up, so the washing is out on the line.
  • Getting warmer.
  • Carol - I was thinking 'dismal' before I logged on, and you've beaten me to it!
  • Dismal? Dreary? Sounds like I'm enjoying better weather over here than the UK! We've had a glorious day today. It's turned a little cloudy now, but it's still lovely and balmy.
  • Blue sky, sunny, but it's been very windy. Had to twist the sheets and duvet cover in the middle to stop them tangling over the line.
  • edited July 2017
    Do you have a trick to stop them forming a lump in the tumble dryer?
    Woke up to clear blue sky. Hope it lasts.
  • Beautifully warm in Dorset.
  • Ditto!
  • Cloudy. Hope Dorset rain doesnt reach us till after my day out with grandsons.
  • Pouring!
  • Gently raining all morning, though the rain drops just got bigger.
  • Rain. Yuck.

    Going to the coast at the weekend. My wellies are on the packing list.
  • Wind and fine rain.
  • Light rain and very warm.
  • Dorset didn't keep its rain for long enough.
  • Not rainy atm. Was earlier this morning I think as damp.
  • This area in SE London tends to be a dry spot. When I hear of rain in other areas or boroughs, it never seems to reach here. So it's quite a warmish day, but overcast with off colour clouds..
  • Forecast - rain all day. Actual weather: hot and very windy, and humid, but no rain.
  • It was supposed to rain this late morning but the fair we went to on the canal was dry and beautiful.
  • Damp most of the day
  • Lovely morning. Forecast has changed and it might be a nice day.
  • As before: rain forecast - 60% chance all day. Actual rainfall - nil.
  • Torrential rain.
  • Sunshine and breezy.
  • Not summer weather, that's for sure!
  • Sunny with clouds. No doubt it will rain, as it has done most days since we returned from holiday :( But I guess that's what you get living on the northern coast of Ireland. I read on Friday that in the last 30 years it rained here on that date 21 of those years.
  • The dark clouds are gathering. :(
  • Still no rain here. My son is going to whitewash the walls of his Grandmother's garden but is reluctant, as rain is due according to the weather forecast...but so far so good. Washing that went on the line this morning is now dry - for a change. I've been like a vertical Jack-in-the-box in and out of the kitchen these last few days grabbing it back off the line! :(
  • Just had a sudden heavy downpour and a bit of thunder. Now stopped and clearing.
  • Well, even in France it's greying now. Although still 36 degrees...
  • A few clouds, light breeze and hot!
  • Lovely evening sun.
    Forecast for tomorrow not too good.
  • It's not raining. At the minute. It wasn't all day. Don't like the sound of tomorrow...
  • A few clouds, light breeze and hot!
    Are you on hols, BB?

  • It's not raining. At the minute. It wasn't all day. Don't like the sound of tomorrow...
    Neither do I, Liz :( We got rain this evening and it's still damp.
  • Raining, always seems to rain on a Wednesday :(
  • Rain. Flat grey sky. Going to be windy.
  • A few clouds, light breeze and hot!
    Are you on hols, BB?

    No. In Dorset. Today it's raining… :(

  • Not looking good. We've had a bit of rain, but I think more is lurking.
  • Torrential rain.
  • Raining hard enough for the water in the downpipes to be audible.
  • Had a lovely sunny afternoon at Cholmondeley gardens. Came home to cloud and rain. Now the sun is out!
  • Rain and windyish.
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