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What's the weather like there?



  • Forecast: sunny spells. Will it rain within the hour? No. So the black sky and spots of rain falling on the Velux are purely figments of my imagination.
  • Rain and windy.
  • Dry and breezy. Rain's in the area but it might not reach me.
  • Occasionally damp, mostly grey. Could try harder.
  • Sunshine, light breeze, but otherwise delightful.
  • It's looking good...
  • Good at the mo but a storm is expected before lunch. Afternoon's guided walk around the town should be completed in the dry.
  • Lovely and sunny here. Good luck with the walk BB.
  • I spoke too soon. Had to sit in the car for ages at Tesco as the rain hammered down.
  • Think I may have to go out and retrieve the washing before the rain starts- very soon.
  • Gorgeous sunny day - with just one shower this morning to freshen things up.
  • We had a heavy shower of rain when we were out- fortunately we were in a shop.

    Daughter brought the washing in before it got soaked.
  • Torrential rain at the start of my walk. It stopped after five minutes and then we had beautiful sunshine.
  • Strangeness... of torrential rain all of a sudden then sun. In Bristol this was... the valley was sunny all day.
  • Dry, warming up, just waiting for the clouds to lift.
  • Birght and breezy in Dorset.
  • The sun is out
    The sky is blue
    There's not a cloud
    To spoil the ...

    Oh, a few bright, billowy clouds.
  • Sunny. a few clouds. Hoping there will be no rain. OH has completely razed a very lovely, historic bush out front. Am not happy.
  • Just starting to rain.
  • Very wet, rain hasn't stopped since it started during the night.
  • Raining heavily earlier. It's not too bad now but it feels 'damp'.
  • It was warm enough for no jacket earlier. Now we have thunder and torrential rain.
    Hope it clears up - I'm walking to the hairdresser this afternoon!
  • Very warm in Dorset.
  • It's warm. But...
  • Hasn't stopped raining yet.
  • No rain. It has brightened from grey. it was supposed to rain, but it hasn't, so washed some sheets and a duvet cover.
  • Dull all day, now raining.
  • It isn't rained all day as forecast, only for a while this morning. It's cool though - not at all August-like. Tomorrow it's again forecast to rain all day, possibly with thunder, so we'll see what we get.
  • It stopped raining for an hour or so, but it's started again with that persistent drizzle.
  • Nice day for the ducks.
  • Cloudy and warm.
  • Wet. Very. No risk of my fence being painted today.
  • Biblical torrents gushing forth
  • Warm and breezy - two lines of washing dried. We seem to be having summer in Ireland - at least for one day! :)
  • Cold enough for an extra blanket last night.
  • Lovely and sunny but a very cold wind.
  • Dry, and warming up.
  • Lovely, sunny and warm.
  • Lovely here - just the right weather for a blues festival B-)

    Musical picnic in the park tomorrow.
  • Changing for the better, and due to stay that way until Wednesday.
  • Lovely.
  • About 18C, sunshine and fluffy clouds. Been up the coast, and I needed a collar as the air is cool.
  • Beautifully warm all day.
  • Warm. sunny on and offish. Still warm outside, cooler indoors, except the kitchen where roast has been.
  • It's been warm all day, cooling off a bit now. Try not to have the Windows etc opened at this hour, to avoid moths from getting in to annoy me...
  • Went to Cancale, near St Malo. Hot, sunny, glorious. Came home and the washing hadn't dried - it may have rained a little here.
  • Thunder! Lightning! Rain!
  • So many exclamation marks!!! Oh, the drama of it all!!!
  • Started out black and damp. brightened up so we went to the coast for lunch. It was hot there - the car said 27C, but it gets overexcited when left alone, so we'll settle for 25C. It is however forecast to be 27C on Monday and Tuesday.
  • What Baggy said + hail!!!!
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